🎤 Check out these links! 🎤
📱 Who am I playing with? 📱
Jon Risinger: https://www.twitch.tv/jonrisinger
Kerry Shawcross: https://www.twitch.tv/kerryshawcross
Cole Gallian: https://www.twitch.tv/ColeGallian
🎮 Phasmophobia🎮
You can buy Phasmophobia for PC here:
🎬 Extra Credits 🎬
System Specs and Programs used: http://pastebin.com/UTixCRLT
Phasmophobia Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLspeOI0YmcdN7TdYc8NqoduM-l9eNNnOa
#Phasmophobia #LetsPlayPhasmophobia #GaLm #GaLmHD
Hey GaLm how’s your day goin! Hope your doing good love your content
AH I've missed you. Real life got in the way for a bit but its so good to be watching your content again 🙂
for games such as this, might be a nice idea to move the face cam so audience can watch the temperature
14:33 that scared the shit out of me. I'm even shaking right now
What song were they singing?
I hear Virgil again!! If Virgil is your notification sound what is your ring tone sir galm? Also when getting in a game keep your finger off the V key for some odd reason when you talk in the shop through the loading screen it gets borked
11:26 "Yubi Yubi!"
ah, a man of culture.
This is the most passive agressive ghost I have ever seen. I'm pretty sure you just locked his AI into that one room with the crucifix
I am real surprised with how well that went.
Joking about the ghost being gay and then it literally comes out of a closet right on camera. That could not have gone off more perfectly.