I really like the updated spirit box.
Edit: This video was made after the Exposition update. I hadn’t played Phasmophobia for a hot minute. When I returned I forgot some details like the lights need to be turned off to get a ghost response (if the evidence is spirit box). I figured it out after this video was done.
3:38 -Where are you?
-I'm here
-Good to know leaves
The scariest is when you ask if its French and it says yes
I like how this video explained what noping out is😆
i bully the ghosts and they leave me alone
It's not authentic spirit box usage if you don't run straight to the exit after getting a response
So uh, you know the Spirit Box doesn't work with the Lights on right?
I love the fact every time it answers he just shuts up and runs for it
I once went on a date with the ghost. Chatting with it, watching the tv together, sat by the candle light. Talked about our life. It was real great. The ghost spawned next to me a few times during it and eventually I asked if it wanted one of my buddies to come in so she could kill them. She said yes, so I lured a buddy in, he walks into the room, she spawns and kills him and I continue chatting with her for a while more. She even let me take a picture of her. Ah, Edith was a wonderful woman. She let me leave after the date was over.
Communicate with the ghost without saying their name. Cuz they are triggering you for saying their name.
why they asked the spirit box with the lights on :))
" where are you "
" im close "
" are you here "
* hunting mode *
Someone might have said it by now but it doesn't work with the lights on.
0:54 got me good
try to do this in vr, ur soul will leave you
i once asked with the spirit box: are you there. then he said behind, he instantly started hunting and killed me
I got this game a few days ago and I thought the spirit box did the old monotone voice but it did THAT voice and it scared the shit out of me
-Where are you?
-im here
-good to know
And leave calm😂😭
The "right behind you" made me shiver uh
I really hope this comes to console
It's really , really scary , in moment game…
Why is he running out of the room? Also, when a Ghostevent is happening.. you can take some cool photos
Make sure to turn off the lights when speaking to the Spirit Box, it will only answer when the lights are turned off.
Edit: Nevermind, you put it in the description, sorry 🙂
"Where are you?"
"Right behind you"
do you use a game filter? or not
That last one scared the fuck out of me
All the spirit box does for me now is shout its age 😆😕 even when nobody says anything it just sits there going "YOUNG" at random intervals, the occasional "kill" too which is just plain rude imo
Good good
3 .40 good
"Are you close?" "I'm behind you". " Well it's been good and all but I gotta gtfo here now. Byeeee"
Watching people use spirit box with the lights on is triggering
Right behind you
Got it.
Runs frantically
Me & my buddy in the asylum using the spirit box.
Us: "Are you friendly?"
Ghost: "DIEEEEE"
Us: "F$@# that"
I once asked a ghost “how did you die” on the Luigi board and it said “drowned”. I then proceeded to say “do you like water” and it said “no” and instantly started hunting and I did not make it 😀
I'm new to this game (lvl 10 now) and my first time trying solo and using the spirit box I was terrified😂 i was like "where are you?"…. "BeHiNd yOu" bruh I ran straight into the wall and bounced onto my couch🤦🏽♂️
I also had a ghost behind me once. Was pretty scary
How are u so calm?!
How do you use the box properly because I can not get any ghost to talk to me or my friend played for hours last night do you press b or just talk casually?
I think that Spirit Box is the only item I'm afraid using with the now new Music Box. It is too because everytime I use it, the ghost gets really mad and attacks me at the third time or like that. Idk why because before I could be all the time using it and nothing would happen and when my friends use it now they never get attacked
I once asked on the spirit box "where are you" and it responded in the deep voice "I'm behind you" then it hunted, literally right after finding ghost room. One of my best memories on this game.
i’ve never had any luck with the spirit box, maybe something with my voice never gets a response when i try, hearing what’s supposed to happen was TERRIFYING!!!!! “i’m close” and “hurt” literally had me standing up from my chair and looking behind me lol i had no idea it was that scary. especially when they just whisper softly like that, it’s freakier than the pitched down version because it’s so real and creepy