Nah I’ve had a mimic mimicking a ghost that had orbs as an evidence so I couldn’t use the orbs in ghost room trick. Also just hoping you get lucky enough for it to switch abilities and then pick up on it is crazy hard
I just discovered one today in nightmare because it has ghost orbs , spirit box and ultraviolet (freezing temps was the hidden evidence and ghost orbs is the mimic's weakness)
tbh i see orbs collect evidence and if i get an extra piece relating to the mimic then i get in deeper. usually i will see if the hunt styles change from hunt to hunt too (i.e. it has an deogen hunt trait in one hunt and then the next hunt it has an oni hunt trait in the next then it helps me confirm its a mimic)
Was doing a 0 sanity/0 evidence run. First hunt (as soon as I walked in and then dashed for a closer to listen to footsteps) it moved at normal speed. I set up to loop it for the second hunt. I heard it spawn in the next room and it was moving at a slow pace, then I clicked on my light and it revenant ran straight toward me. I knew immediately
but the mimic can't mimic abilities 😡😡😡😡
Not the revenant LMAO
So a mimic technically has 4 clues but 3 match? I've literally just started and want to know more so I stop dieing
Nah I’ve had a mimic mimicking a ghost that had orbs as an evidence so I couldn’t use the orbs in ghost room trick. Also just hoping you get lucky enough for it to switch abilities and then pick up on it is crazy hard
We found out on amateur cuz it has four evidence
"If it's a revenant, you die" lmao I'm weak😂
wait so can a mimic shape-shift during a hunt like an obake?
Then there some player who trippin because of mimic that role the dice twice as the same ghost within 2 or 3 cycle of changing ghost abilty and trait
Did Edwin build the mimic? I bet it was difficult to put the pieces together
I just discovered one today in nightmare because it has ghost orbs , spirit box and ultraviolet (freezing temps was the hidden evidence and ghost orbs is the mimic's weakness)
This is why when I see Orbs on the camera I don't check it off on the evidence checklist until I see dots, EMF level 5, or ghost writing
So on insanity that means you get 1 evidence plus orbs every time?
tbh i see orbs collect evidence and if i get an extra piece relating to the mimic then i get in deeper. usually i will see if the hunt styles change from hunt to hunt too (i.e. it has an deogen hunt trait in one hunt and then the next hunt it has an oni hunt trait in the next then it helps me confirm its a mimic)
Was doing a 0 sanity/0 evidence run. First hunt (as soon as I walked in and then dashed for a closer to listen to footsteps) it moved at normal speed. I set up to loop it for the second hunt. I heard it spawn in the next room and it was moving at a slow pace, then I clicked on my light and it revenant ran straight toward me. I knew immediately