【Phasmophobia】We're the ghosts!!

Game: Phasmophobia
Game link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/


General: #Wanunaka #犬仲アカリ
Fanart: #WanunakArt
Live: #InuLive #犬ライブ

Fan name: Pawppies
Fan icon: 🐾





[Discord Server]


Please support my friends!

PataPon Project

Vanessa Amaryllis


BGM by Kazamori
Graphics made by: Mofutari Megumi


Rule# 1: Have fun, and enjoy the stream and the company of everyone!

🦴Please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations unrelated to the stream
🦴Be friendly. No bullying, no fighting.
🦴No spamming or trolling.
🦴If you see spam or trolling, please don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments.
🦴No backseat gaming. (Unless I seriously ask for help.)
🦴DO NOT mention other vtubers, streamers and/or personalities unless I talk about them first.
🦴Similarly, DO NOT bring me up in other vtubers or streamers streams unless they allow it.
🦴Inappropriate questions and statements that would violate Youtube community guidelines are not allowed.


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