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thank you!!!! so so lovely thank you!!!!
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☀ General: #EliraPendora
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☀ Fan Name: FamElira
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Pomu Rainpuff (ぽむ れいんぱふ)
Finana Ryugu (フィナーナ 竜宮)
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This was the long awaited sequel to the legendary and unforgetable drunk Phasmo were twerking to DCL was born and oh boy it was just as wild. The convos were more hilarious and cursed than ever with they talking so much i forgot they playing Phasmo, they really got drunk and when it looked like it just couldn't get better Vox,Millie, Reimu, Shu and Nina hop in to get their fortunes read making it even better! This was the perfect way to end Hallowen TYSM Ewiwa and Pomu! Rest well after so much drinking and happy Hallowen!
Thank you for tonight's stream Elira and Pomu :3 Have a Happy Halloween 😀
I've been looking forward to this all year!
amazing stream
love PomuLira
PomuLira + drinks? 👌
The actual for real not clickbait best fortune tellers
Aww I missed it
What an absurd stream. Thank you~.
I missed it
Well, this stream was wild and went in places i was not expecting it to go to at all.
Thank you for the stream Elira and Pomu! It was super fun! Happy Hallopeen everyone!
2021: Elira & Finana
2022: Elira & Pomu
2023: All of LazuLight drunk out their mind!
Timestamps from Elicord! Happy Hallowpeen everyone! My god this was hilarious and so many amazing moments! If there's a time that is off or a moment we missed, please let me know in the replies. Remaining timestamps in the replies.
04:05 They're here! + Millie is already dead
05:17 Showing Pomu the door
08:10 Going upstairs for the games
08:29 "NICE C*CK!" (Pomu gets a strike)
09:27 Elira and Pomu dance
09:50 Elira criticizes Pomu for drinking Soju outta the bottle
10:50 Elira drinks straight from the bottle too
11:30 Talking about their drinks
12:16 Riverdale rp
14:29 Talking about Yakult commercials
14:58 Suddenly Numa numa
15:36 Talking about about the word Bolognese + Pomu's story about ordering Italian food
19:49 Pomu learning that there's dailies in Phasmo now
20:32 Game 1: Camp Woodwind (Intermediate) + Elira tying up her hair and got ready for the collab
21:39 Ghost is Billy Garcia + Pomu Billy Garcia song
22:41 Talking about wattpad moments
25:57 Wet tshirt contest + Pomu sings Toxic
27:32 Something flew off Pomu's shelf irl
28:37 Elira dies in the toilet stall
29:15 Pomu rambling she can't complete the mission without Elira
30:59 Pomu leaves and guess Demon
32:09 Talking about the bro code in the toilet stall
33:10 Elira had a sex stall in her uni (Or it least it felt like it)
34:02 Save the turtles sksksksks
36:55 Game 2: Sunny Meadows (Intermediate)
38:20 Pomu summoned Reimu through Shakira + Going to the scary room + finding cursed object (mirror)
41:01 Pomu uses the mirror and it breaks
42:57 Calling for Kenneth…Kenneth Smelly
44:47 Compares the map with Outlast
46:15 Elira asks if Pomu is walking + Elira dies
48:51 Pomu struggles to open the door and the ghost starts hunting
50:09 Elira lists the only thing she knows about the bible
50:42 Pomu chooses Myling because of chat and leaves
52:05 Elira is gonna tryhard the next map
53:00 Looking at cursed objects in the case + Elira potter
53:54 Game 3: Ridgeview (Intermediate) + Elira got a carbonated drink
56:18 Talks about Becky (the ghost)
59:47 "A little brecky for Becky" (Becky is at the fridge)
1:01:57 Elira tells Becky about Cars
1:03:51 Talking about the beginning of Until Dawn
1:08:54 Brainstorming what the ghost is
1:09:55 Calling for the viewer in chat that said the right ghost last game
1:13:10 They choose Shade and leave (Elira finally lives for a game)
1:15:47 Elira wants to be able to do one good impression
1:17:03 P: It's hard for Shu to be killed because he is Jujutsu Kaisen
1:17:28 Elira Mr. Krabs impression + Pomu fangirling
1:18:15 Another Mr. Krabs impression
1:19:05 Elira says "Donate to charity!" as Mr. Krabs
1:19:56 Elira does a Mr. Krabs doing an Ariana Grande impression
1:20:39 Elira Ariana Grande impression + meeting her in Fortnite
1:22:11 Chat aks where Jerma is + Talks about Elira and Jerma fanart
1:23:44 Pomu talking about the degress (Celsius) of separation between Elira and Jerma
1:25:13 Talking about the part where Ludwig called Elira a b*tch + the massive Crab Game collab
1:27:37 Elira cracking open another can
1:29:52 Game 4: Tanglewood (Intermediate)
1:32:32 Elira trying to turn on the TV + Finding a luigi board
1:34:57 Pomu calls Jan a naked hoe + Pomu dies
1:35:32 Elira asks Jan if they would date her + Elira dies
1:37:08 Pomu and Elira LOTR rp
1:38:31 Comparing Sam and Frodo to Ron and Hermonie
1:39:25 Talks about Harry Potter
1:40:44 Pomu would make a good Dobby
1:41:21 "Scrunchies look like a butthole" – Elira Pendora Oct 31, 2022
1:42:47 The real reason Dobby needed a sock
1:43:31 Freddy Fazbear doesn't f*ck on purpose, he's a sigma. (Elira goes on about Freddy for a bit)
1:44:19 Talking about Sigma's D from VLR
1:48:46 Elira is scared of horses because of Jacka**
1:48:53 Game 5: Farmhouse (Intermediate) + Pomu starts the game while Elira talks
1:54:29 Singing What Dreams Are Made Of by Hilary Duff
1:54:53 Elira dies
1:56:02 A child kills Pomu
1:57:13 Talking about making a website for ghosting (ghoes)
1:58:19 P: If I see Becky I'm gonna… spits
1:58:56 Talking about making spit balls
2:00:15 Talking about the science fair and calling each other nerds
2:01:57 Pomu has a character in Genshin that looks like her genderbent (Kaveh)
2:03:30 Elira asking Pomu her type of anime man
2:05:13 Pomu trying to convince Elira to play MGS
2:06:27 Elira just nods
2:07:13 Elira understands where Pomu is coming from. She loves when two older men are in love
2:09:08 Elira likes a man with a thick chest
2:10:21 Elira is ready to enter her Metal Gear arc
2:11:33 Talking about Devil May Cry
2:12:41 Talking about what drinks they got
2:13:44 Elira had a horrible diet in Japan before Enna intervened
2:15:33 Elira: btw Orochimaru had a son that he made with science Pomu: just like metal gear!
2:16:22 Talking about Inuyasha and Naraku/Kagura was hot
2:17:09 Pomu talks about Kagura in Inuyasha + Spoiling Inuyasha
2:18:52 Phasmo keeps cutting Pomu out
2:21:42 Game 6: Willow Street (Intermediate) + Talks about Naruto
2:24:07 (Spots the doll) OMG It IS Judy Hopps holy shit! How old are you?!
2:24:39 "Happy halloween everyone!"
2:25:16 E: if today is Halloween then is tomorrow Hallowpeen?
2:27:10 E: Judy do you need Nick Wilde? I know I do…
2:28:14 "Is it true that men are scared of washing their a**?"
2:30:04 Elira asks Elibro if he washes his a**hole in the shower
2:33:08 Talks about the coochie
2:33:48 Elibro responds and watches Elira's stream
2:36:11 Pomu curses out Judy after getting out the house
2:36:56 Pomu is bleeding and Elira talks about the seal
2:40:10 Pomu goes while Elira has a weeb talk
2:40:49 Elira dies while protecting Pomu
2:41:49 Somehow talking about Inuyasha again
2:42:16 JUDY NO (Pomu gets killed while still afk and Elira compares it to Naruto)
2:43:28 E: Yeah, I think that Sasuke's a bottom
2:44:06 Pomu comes back and Elira explains to her how they died
2:44:54 Pomu almost fell into the toilet + Stories of how they dropped phones in the toilet
2:48:16 Pomu 5head + Asks about the game character and does open rp
2:49:23 Pomu didn't know the characters didn't update until you start a new game
2:50:20 Talks about Jerma
2:51:01 Game 7: Bleasdale Farmhouse (Intermediate)
2:51:55 Inuyasha JP RP
2:55:16 Pomu: Petra is a bread thief and Elira slowly realizes
2:56:07 Elira spills her drink on Sonic again and sucks it up
2:57:16 Elira dies
2:59:10 Elira drank expired soju that expired 2021 (She bought it today)
3:02:25 Talking about Bailey's
3:03:11 Talks about a time she had Bailey's in uni
3:03:47 Pomu picks Raiju and leaves
3:03:53 100 fans (pomudachi version) copypasta
3:04:49 Suddenly Fireworks
3:05:04 Trying to rope someone into VC to tell stories
3:05:46 Vox joins vc
3:06:57 Elira and Pomu saying Vox doesn't sound british
3:07:18 Vox pulls the old chav routine
3:08:16 Pomu calling Vox's laugh fake + Elira asking Vox which Freddy Fasbear is the hottest
3:09:00 Pomu agreeing with Vox and admitting they are Monster Fackers
3:09:36 Vox admits he's in to Bowser (Like VIenna)
3:11:12 Talking about Steve Jobs deep fake + Vox wants a bald vtuber
3:12:44 Vox isn't ready to put more of his DNA in Luxiem
3:13:15 Talking about Ike's stream
3:15:33 Pomu has to drink in order to keep up with the conversation
3:16:20 100 pomudachis copypasta again
3:18:06 Vox does wash his a** + Lying that they've all never lied
3:19:46 Vox story about someone finding his number
3:21:16 Sudden Jazz on the Clock
3:23:18 Talking about spooky version of Jazz on the Clock (Dox on the clock)
3:25:04 Ariana is the judge (Elira and Pomu do Ariana impression)
3:27:11 Vox talks about the amogus gif + Elira shows off her favorite gif saved
3:28:08 Millie joins VC + Asks what color everyone's underwear is
3:28:39 Millie leaves VC + Vox: Millie's in everyone's holes E: Mine especially!
3:29:05 Pomu want's to apply for Elira's positions
3:30:35 Elira shows the sonny gif on stream
3:32:26 The thing at the park where you spin thingy (Elira talking about the park)
3:35:53 pomu glitches out
3:37:13 Elira: I'm closest to heaven (in the lore) Vox: can you let me in? Elira: no
3:39:21 Talks about Downtown + Suddenly singing Downtown
3:40:27 Vox leaves VC after being berated by Pomu and Elira
3:41:40 Elira talks about her cousin's ipod
3:42:38 No one wants to join VC and talk to em
3:43:21 Pomu drunkenly typing in VC chat to do a tarot reading
3:43:33 Reimu joins vc
3:44:35 Pomu gives Reimu a reading
3:45:42 Elira invites Reimu to live in her basement with Millie
3:47:48 Talking about Love Live somehow
3:48:53 Telling Reimu to do a getting over it stream to make her sickness go away
3:49:08 Pomu messages Uki that he's a dumb b*tch
3:50:14 Talking about the Hallopeen
3:51:08 Shu joins VC
3:51:31 E: Return of the Mr. Krabs
3:52:30 Asking of Nina in the chat wants a reading + Asking Shu which Jujitsu Kaisen character he is
3:53:14 Pomu's advice: As a panda you need a better diet
3:53:55 Shu admits their reading is semi-accurate
3:55:29 Shu's new lore, need more konjac
3:56:37 P: Eff you Uki! you can never be us!
3:56:56 Shu has a Bidet!
3:57:35 Asking Reimu if she washes her a*s
3:58:13 Reimu has bidets, MULTIPLE! + Elira's fancy porcelain throne
THANKS FOR THE STREAM!! rest well and happy halloween!!! 🎃🍂
2:28:00 – Are we talking like, full on hands between the buns, right on the rim of the cookie jar or like… just over the hills kind of washing our asses? Because I can tell you that I definitely don't really wanna get in there deep ya know. But ill wash over the hills no problem, just not so… far into the depths of the valley.
And so the tradition continues and my gosh it only gets better with time. Thanks for another Halloween full of hilarity, I can't wait for the next one!
Thank you for the stream and happy Halloween!
Elira drunk phasmo always goes places we never thought possible
4:07 stream start.