【PHASMOPHOBIA】 IN DEBT AGAIN 【NIJISANJI EN | Finana Ryugu】 「Collab」 ft. Fulgur, Uki & vGumiho

spoopy times w/ @Fulgur Ovid 【NIJISANJI EN】 @Uki Violeta 【NIJISANJI EN】 & @vGumiho !!


■ First Step Goods (Physical Merchandise)

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・MOON NAME: Dorufin


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【Finana Ryugu フィナーナ・竜宮】 – Me!

【Elira Pendora エリーラ・ペンドラ】

【Pomu Rainpuff ぽむ・ れいんぱふ】


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・BGM – 使用BGMS DOVA-SYNDROME (https://dova-s.jp/) + OtoLogic (https://otologic.jp) + Vince (https://twitter.com/crimson_king73)
・Emotes – Kairui (https://twitter.com/Kairuichan)
・Alerts – Walfie (https://twitter.com/walfieee)
・Intro/Outro Illustration – Orangesekaii (https://twitter.com/orangesekai1)
・Intro/Outro Animation – KJOEE88 (https://twitter.com/KJOEE88)
・Finana Logo – Pat (https://twitter.com/ssugartype)
・Ryuguard Plushy + Assets – Melonbread (https://twitter.com/MelonbreadFBP)
・Thumbnail Art – とまsandstofu (https://twitter.com/sandstofu1)

#にじさんじ #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN #FinanaRyugu #FinanaLive


18 thoughts on “【PHASMOPHOBIA】 IN DEBT AGAIN 【NIJISANJI EN | Finana Ryugu】 「Collab」 ft. Fulgur, Uki & vGumiho”

  1. Thank you sm for the great! Phasmo and valo were both sm fun! This group is so great together it’s always so nice to watch haha, can’t wait to hopefully see you guys okay more together!

  2. Reporting from VOD land. Thanks for the stream Fina, Jett the kid with the clutch am I right? can't wait for next memberfeesh . oh and when the previous video comes back , we will adjust the timestamps for the VOD homies

    Timestamps by the members of Finana Finclub. May be slightly inaccurate

    05:50 Stream start!

    06:11 Gumi will show up later; they got something last-minute to handle

    07:32 Going Intermediate immediately for Fuu-chan

    07:57 Friendly ghost girl; doesn't scare Fuu-chan, but Uki…

    09:02 G for Ghussy

    09:21 Uki verbally flips off the ghost girl

    10:11 Finana buying a fair bit; sugar mama (Gumi) coming soon

    10:39 Game 1

    11:01 Hearing themselves through Uki's mic

    11:23 Row, row, row your boat…

    11:39 Fuu-chan complimenting herself / Surround-sound Finana laugh

    12:37 Uh oh, Uki can't hear them…

    12:59 Leaning forward and moonwalking, MJ style

    13:31 Naruto run, Phasmo style

    13:36 Items review, as done by Fuu-chan

    14:19 Fulgur: "Candles, for BDSM…" / Pills make the game real

    14:58 Tech support for Uki while Fulgur messes around

    16:27 Uki: "Oh wait, am I stupid?" He forgot to press Apply; cue tea kettle laugh.

    17:30 Requesting the really gremlin Finana laugh

    17:59 Finana's Skeletor laugh; Finana doesn't recognize Skeletor

    19:02 Item choices for the first foray

    20:03 Drop items using G for Ghussy, and B for bussy

    20:40 Uki's surprised about all the changes since he last played the game

    21:39 Johnsons; of course Finana knows that slang.

    22:47 Uki picked up bones

    23:16 Found EMF 3 – it's near the kitchen!

    24:21 Gasp! Found its room.

    24:51 IT'S HUNTING

    24:59 The hunt has ceased… for now

    25:46 1-degree detected; seems like a hallway ghost

    27:09 Can't flood it!

    27:28 Finana quietly heads out to grab a tripod camera and a dot sensor

    28:06 Setting up the dot sensor

    28:39 Evidence found: dots!

    31:14 It got Fuu-chan!


    33:31 Gumi enters Discord

    34:35 Ghost moved something in kitchen

    34:59 Feeesh dies

    35:52 Fina suspects it make be background noise from 1 of them

    36:27 Fina teaches them how to record evidence in the book

    36:38 Uki last one alive, heads straight for the truck

    37:06 Fina drank too much tea, needs to use bathroom

    37:43 Uki trying to figure out what Ghost it is

    37:53 Finana doesn't think there were no ghost orbs & EMF 5

    38:32 Uki leaves

    38:43 Ghost turns out to be… Oni

    38:48 $286!!!

    39:03 "Hello" – Gumi

    39:26 Fina accidentally calls her " ? "

    40:06 Mic check

    40:21 "pspspsps"

    40:42 Finana takes a bathroom break

    41:09 Gumi discovers ring toss, then got jumpscared by closet

    43:53 anything for you my lady F : thank you kitten

    44:20 that is not the locker asmr i came here for

    47:39 G: daddys gonna punish walter F: man I wish I was Walter

    48:50 yeehaw

    50:45 Fina was right on the dot

    52:28 what is this..

    53:30 I feel like we just brought a bunch of children: phasmo daycare

    55:14 Fu chan is hiding in the bathroom

    56:53 U: I see footprints

    57:37 Fina doesnt want this to be a mimic

    58:47 southern comes back, brother

    1:00:25 having a sleepover?

    1:02:44 Fu chan got some ball skills

    1:03:48 Fu chan: everyone, naruto run to the Van

    1:08:02 dont say anything. Fu: I aint afraid of no ghost

    1:09:24 rave

    1:10:42 flo rida, i thouhgt it was flo- reeda

    1:12:06 who died?

    1:12:29 it was fu chan

    1:14:32 mogu mogu

    1:15:30 it got Uki

    1:16:38 Feesh died

    1:18:15 determining if it was jinn

    1:20:14 it was a jinn

    1:22:08 oh shit a rat

    1:22:57 G: where ever you desire my lady F: I desire you

    1:24:29 you dont wanna see the child ghost

    1:25:31 explaining scoochie story

    1:27:05 love is war humming

    1:28:37 daycare sleepover rp

    1:29:10 nyum nyum

    1:30:28 Fina wants to play the nsfw version

    1:32:31 Fu chan is in emo corner.. doing morse code

    1:35:19 brother rp returns

    1:37:00 Gumi and Fu chan remind Fina of beyond two souls twins

    1:39:26 theres a gloryhole

    1:40:09 lore of the gloryhole

    1:41:52 degen Djiin

    1:42:50 tea bag Uki

    1:47:44 daddy was waiting for uncle fu chan to pass on

    1:51:03 hikaru nara humming

    1:52:27 Fina is hearing things, daddy is coming

    1:53:47 dont leave, I'm scaredge

    1:55:09 Feesh scream

    1:57:32 poltergeisst, guess failed

    1:57:37 grrrrr

    1:58:36 kissing the ghost girl yes, PDA NO

    1:59:13 kittens? plural?

    2:00:23 Feesh is the grip master

    2:01:34 I cant describe this … bird feeding tea bagging?

    2:02:33 yu gios and dungeons and dragons

    2:03:13 kkssssssss

    2:06:17 wheres the cursed objects

    2:08:01 shoe yamiiino

    2:08:36 fu chan is looking for props

    2:10:49 what the… its a kettle upside down

    2:11:45 it doesnt like DCL

    2:13:23 golden shower

    2:16:41 myling maybe

    2:17:35 crying feesh

    2:18:16 can dles nuts

    2:19:45 this is my new body pillow

    2:20:07 rp went dark

    2:22:29 highschool no, preschoolers

    2:23:35 Gumi sounds like Enna

    2:23:52 Enna impersonation

    2:25:31 Fina wonders why she freezes in visage

    2:28:31 Fu chan is always saying "stuff" so no parabolic

    2:28:49 wanna play 7 minutes in heaven?

    2:29:32 explaining how Peeing goes

    2:31:20 bbkbkk jkh khdsjbfdgfdg

    2:31:47 fgjhiogassdfsdfa gfd g

    2:32:11 yall need jesus

    2:33:00 Fina's kinks ….. its for the memes…

    2:33:19 holy piss

    2:34:13 oh brother

    2:36:49 Uki brought the voodoo doll for some reason

    2:38:11 Fina sanity was low very low

    2:40:30 whispers: hey daddy

    2:43:57 scream

    2:44:39 this ghost is horny

    2:45:45 ghost looking at Uki… Finana though.. (bite lip)

    2:46:30 what can I say, Im just a tasty feesh

    2:47:31 missed the truck

    2:48:42 hopcon?

    2:49:44 explain nightmare mode

    2:51:15 this calls for pantsless

    2:52:48 Ukis game crashed

    2:53:14 the twins.. oh hell naw

    2:54:08 Fina likes reeses peanut butter cup

    2:54:18 GUMI?

    2:55:32 just wait till i do the RP asmr

    2:56:59 whos jerking

    2:59:05 exhaust pipe, you mean like the butt hole

    3:00:51 flushing the toilet

    3:01:30 Fu chan is singing ring aroun the roses

    3:04:03 Uki getting ready for sawcon deez

    3:05:42 I think it was the grudge

    3:06:59 peeing again… i lost count

    3:08:42 chess club/ LOTR talk

    3:09:52 ehehehehehe

    3:11:55 can the ghost get on the bed?

    3:12:24 dead ; all of them

    3:14:18 when are they gonna make a feesh fleshlight?

    3:15:58 time to hopcon

    3:17:03 slurpp

    3:17:32 buying the glitchpop vandal.

    3:20:04 match found

    3:21:03 Gumi will be sage , we know where this is going…

    3:21:49 Fina cant growl so she uses spit

    3:22:41 grgrrrr

    3:25:47 enemy was jebaited

    3:28:50 Feesh goes ODIN, "…lest?"

    3:29:33 barely got to use the Odin

    3:29:59 Gumi wins last person standing

    3:30:11 Uki is back

    3:31:12 "Rez me kitten or you will be punished"


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