【Phasmophobia】clearing the weekly challenge【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】

【Donasi lokal】Traktir yang pahit-pahit kini sangat EZGGWP!~
Link: https://sociabuzz.com/kaelakovalskia/tribe

#Kaelaif #KaelaKovalskia #holoID
This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
Game URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
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【Kobo Kanaeru】
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【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming sedang berlangsung:
• Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan.
• Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topik pada kolom komentar.
• Dimohon tidak melakukan spam dalam bentuk apa pun.
• Dimohon untuk tidak mengumpat, mencela, atau berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar.
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• Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di waiting room.
• Dimohon untuk tidak memberi komentar tentang Vtuber lain di waiting room/saat livestream apabila tidak dimulai lebih dulu oleh Vtuber yang sedang streaming karena bersifat kurang sopan.

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• Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words.
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• Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language.
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• Please do not do any discussion in the waiting room.
• Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtuber during the livestream if the topic isn’t started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite.


• General: #KaelaKovalskia
• Live: #Kaelaif
• Fanart: #inKaela
• Meme: #KaeLaugh

【Yasuda Suzuhito Sensei】

Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/katakura_te_te_/status/1650815007553355777
Opening Screen & Stinger Art: https://twitter.com/keenbiscuit
Overlay: https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_
Stinger: https://twitter.com/fremhaus
Room Overlay: https://twitter.com/Norah_s_Pot
General BGM: https://www.instagram.com/iyast_pratama/
Notification Alert: https://twitter.com/corgi_koragi
Ending Screen Art: https://twitter.com/senjou62
Ending Screen Rig: https://twitter.com/raina_illune
Ending BGM: https://dova-s.jp/EN/bgm/play8412.html

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29 thoughts on “【Phasmophobia】clearing the weekly challenge【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】”

  1. [Game Start]

    ++Challenge Mode++

    08:48 1st game

    24:13 2nd game

    38:53 3rd game

    ++Nightmare Mode++

    52:04 1st game

    1:03:41 2nd game

    3:25:16 3rd game

    ++Professional Mode++

    1:11:57 1st game

    1:27:21 2nd game

    1:31:36 3rd game

    1:40:58 4th game

    1:50:26 5th game

    2:00:46 6th game

    2:18:21 7th game

    2:35:35 8th game

    2:47:59 9th game

    2:59:53 10th game

    3:16:28 11th game

    [Extra Moments]

    ++Moment gagal moto hantu++

    1:06:35 event (dipepet hantu)

    1:51:35 disamperin hantu

    1:54:46 disamperin hantu lg

    2:25:17 hantunya ditawarin buku

    3:09:34 disamperin hantu

    ++Interaction with Alenka++

    2:53:39 Alenka very2 NT

    2:59:14 Mungkin ghost nya namanya Alenka Inventra

    ++Other Moments++

    02:21 masih pagi karena aku GMT + 2

    04:41 next week we ngeeng

    05:03 pertama kalinya pulang dri tg g nyalain pc

    23:18 xixixixixixixi

    36:09 i'm not sure about my schedule this week

    47:37 my luck very gg

    49:19 otsuLemao

    50:01 done Challenge mode

    50:42 lvl after Challenge mode become 629

    1:03:45 kalian bener" mikir aku hantunya, kalian keren

    1:11:38 how many banshee you want??!!

    1:18:13 hey ghost, i'm doing speedrun rn!!!

    1:29:59 ded (early hunt)

    1:34:01 somay or batagor?

    1:36:15 omela interrogation ghost

    1:40:14 i got my revenge

    1:50:12 target lvl for today? 690? can i?

    2:16:54 kamera depan mata g kliatan

    2:22:18 klo mchan baca bakalan gsh jg

    2:24:05 klo namanya mela kan emg mchan, kalian gimana sih

    2:29:55 Steven… Steven… Steven

    2:31:49 Steven"

    2:33:33 moment of silence

    2:34:19 Want to check vod later about the EMF 5 monitor

    2:51:33 Hantu yg paling menakutkan menurut Ela

    2:57:56 Asking the ghost to do many things

    3:24:57 Now become lvl 650

    3:25:40 Masih ada family matter. HUE HUE HUE (crying)

    3:32:01 Angy at ghost moment + singing

    3:42:43 NO stream tonight

    3:58:10 Remind her of Fauna escape Demon but forget to check ghost type

    3:59:45 Otsulemao

  2. Baru kelar nonton vod Terima kasih elaaa buat stream nya. Hmmm challenge nya dirasa mudah kalau diliat-liat mari kita coba nanti kalau dah dirumah .

    Oh iya entah kenapa selalu suka kalau dia pakai spirit box, selalu kocak

    Okay deh sampai ketemu lagi ya di stream selanjutnya


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