【Phasmophobia】having fun【hololiveID】

【Donasi lokal】Traktir yang pahit-pahit kini sangat EZGGWP!~
Link: https://sociabuzz.com/kaelakovalskia/tribe

#Kaelaif #KaelaKovalskia #holoID
Playing with @AiraniIofifteen

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
Game URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
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【Kobo Kanaeru】
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• General: #KaelaKovalskia
• Live: #Kaelaif
• Fanart: #inKaela
• Meme: #KaeLaugh

【Yasuda Suzuhito Sensei】

Opening Screen & Stinger Art: https://twitter.com/keenbiscuit
Overlay: https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_
Stinger: https://twitter.com/fremhaus
Room Overlay: https://twitter.com/Norah_s_Pot
General BGM: https://www.instagram.com/iyast_pratama/
Notification Alert: https://twitter.com/corgi_koragi
Ending Screen Art: https://twitter.com/senjou62
Ending Screen Rig: https://twitter.com/raina_illune
Ending BGM: https://dova-s.jp/EN/bgm/play8412.html

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20 thoughts on “【Phasmophobia】having fun【hololiveID】”

  1. Thanks elaaa for sudden collab with iofi senpai and yeah thank you so much iofi senpai and KKC because they want to change the schedule for member stream www

    It was fun collab and we got some new knowledge about phasmo too here, nice. Thanks Ms. Kaela

    Okay see you again on next stream, bye bye

  2. [Time-Stamps]
    3:32 Start
    4:23 Ela checking out nearby game store
    7:42 How this phasmo collab happened
    10:20 Y: pasmo elit, monhun sulit
    12:34 Ela joining KKC tonight
    15:10 Yopi joining in
    17:19 Iofi the monhun saleswoman

    [Challenge mode – Ridgeview Court]
    18:44 Round 1
    42:02 Round 2
    54:44 Round 3
    1:07:56 Round 4
    1:15:43 Round 5
    1:30:16 Round 6
    1:49:47 Round 7

    [Gameplay – Custom]
    2:05:01 Camp Woodwind
    2:16:323:11:14 Tanglewood Drive
    3:19:20 RTA dono reading

    [More Moments]
    19:34 Tripod for bonking the ghost
    24:20 Cameraman is always safe
    25:35 Asking chat abt emf 5 from activity
    34:53 Wrong bathroom
    39:15 Test hunt &
    48:52 Thaye is our oshi Yop
    53:27 Digocek thaye
    56:15 #ThayEla fanfic is reall
    59:16 Test hunt & not emf 5
    1:06:15 Long discussion, endingnya digocek
    1:08:14 Phasmo course w Ms Ela
    1:14:42 Ah.. the jinx. Hatrik tergocek
    1:21:14 Injek terosss
    1:25:00 Yopi caught emf 5 & test hunt
    1:29:05 Will it be raiju?
    1:32:03 Troublemaker hv same VA as Ela
    1:33:25 Holotubbies will return
    1:34:27 Talking about Minecraft
    1:39:00 Test hunt
    1:46:36 RIP
    1:49:00 Complaining abt jinn lol
    1:50:47 Woi, where are you woi!
    1:58:16 Got Yurei. Yopi challenge done
    1:59:46 Yopi asks Ela for next week challenge
    2:01:27 Wanna find the monkey paw?
    2:07:20 Yopi monkey paw
    2:09:06 Found the monkey paw
    2:10:33 Make a wish & got confused lol
    2:12:41 At least yopi got the monkey paw
    2:17:36 Trying a bunch of wishes
    2:21:55 Monhun collab wishes
    2:23:32 RIP Ela
    2:24:47 GreedyEla only collects money
    2:27:18 Card collection time
    2:28:32 Ready to sacrifice Yopi
    2:29:31 The sacrifice works
    2:33:55 Yopi need the large bones
    2:36:18 One more, the hangman card
    2:37:07 Ela idol meeting & Yopi monhun marketing strats
    2:40:33 Ela heard all of it
    2:47:53 Got by the cards lol
    2:54:44 Eh? Wrong custom setting?
    2:58:11 Yopi got a new bone, nice
    3:00:54 Reverse jinx for the hangman card
    3:03:10 Monhun jinx won't work
    3:05:48 Yopi found a large bones, nice
    3:15:30 3:16:43 She gave up
    3:17:59 Challenge reset in 7hrs
    3:18:50 Sorry KKC & Yopi
    3:19:20 Yes Ela, schedule have its purpose
    3:21:54 Yopi still here?
    3:24:03 3:28:08 RTA but still gacha lol
    3:30:25 Kaelegskia is really scary Ela
    3:31:16 Pejuang Senin will be at 6.30am


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