【PHASMOPHOBIA】Minecraft broke my heart【NIJISANJI EN | Reimu Endou】

『 Streamlabs Donations 』 No SoulBits this time! 『 Collab members 』 ❄️ @Petra Gurin【NIJISANJI EN】 @Finana …


15 thoughts on “【PHASMOPHOBIA】Minecraft broke my heart【NIJISANJI EN | Reimu Endou】”

  1. Timestamps:
    03:59 Start

    06:28 Surprised by finana's level

    06:56 Testing proximity

    07:27 Game 1 – WIllow Street House – Intermediate

    10:53 "Minecraft hates me, and phasmophobia hates Petra"

    11:30 Remaking the game.

    12:00 It was about to be her second time playing mc, was hyped for it

    13:19 R:"She flexed her monster pc on me"

    13:34 Talking about her 7 second debut
    16:10 "Thank you for coming to today's stream" joke

    16:40 Universe wants her to play apex

    19:20 Game 1 – Edgefield Street House – Intermediate

    21:14 Dissing the ghost

    22:24 P:"She only responds to people alone" R:"Okay, get away from me"

    24:12 Dissing the ghost even tho she has the same bed

    25:14 Reimu ded

    25:30 "I don't care, i'm still stealing yo s**t even if im dead" / "I will hunt yo **s"

    27:59 Petra ded

    28:21 R:"Welcome to the underworld"

    30:31 Finana can't see the cup

    32:30 Petra: "Senpai notice me"

    33:09 Reimu and Petra keeps throwing cups in front of Finana

    34:05 Finana posing

    35:28 Both 3 star photos

    37:46 End of game 1

    38:45 Learned they can kite the ghost

    40:25 R: "Sugar mommy"

    40:59 Game 2 – Bleasdale Farmhouse – Intermediate

    43:23 Reimu threatening the ghost again

    43:45 Reimu: You raggedy a**, get out!!

    45:45 Reimu singing for the ghost (?

    47:39 R:"Talk to me gurl, don't be shy"

    50:39 Dissing even more just to get scared

    51:17 R:"Last time i heard singing i died"

    52:34 Trying to make the ghost write

    55:00 R: "I am safe. i have God by my side"


    57:18 Petra ded

    57:41 Checking Petra's "cake"

    1:01:42 Trying to scape from the ghost / Finana dead

    1:02:53 Dipping out

    1:04:43 "Competitive phasmo player"

    1:05:08 Game 3 – Tanglewood Street House – Intermediate
    1:05:45 "Okay one of you bishes has to die so i can see you dying"

    1:06:22 Reimu is the ghost

    1:07:59 Petra sings Unravel

    1:09:36 Confuses Petra with the ghost

    1:15:43 Petra photo bad 0 stars

    1:16:29 Useless wife * petra crying *

    1:17:59 Useless photo

    1:19:40 More singing

    1:20:42 Saw the ghost

    1:25:08 You want my butt ? Get it

    1:27:28 More Unravel

    1:28:28 Dissing the ghost

    1:30:43 Late introductions

    1:34:40 The team discovers the sink faucet

    1:36:12 Petra ded

    1:37:03 Laughing at Petra's body

    1:38:11 Confusing ugly feesh with ugly bish

    1:38:50 Kitting sucesfully

    1:39:49 Game completed


    1:44:13 Game 4 – Bleasdale Farmhouse – Professional
    1:45:34 Dissing petra for wanting a gun

    1:48:25 Reimu trolling

    1:50:00 Petra not trusting Reimu

    1:52:28 Playing with the radio

    1:53:42 REIMU DED

    1:56:40 Drinking water

    1:57:59 Follow the bottle!

    1:59:17 Lost her bottle

    2:06:32 Mission completed, got oni right

    2:07:36 Petra representating how things happened

    2:08:25 Breaking Petra's tower

    2:09:00 Wraping up the collab

    2:12:39 Petra suffering for her tower

    2:13:22 Finana dissing Petra

    2:16:32 Finana back to flexing

    2:20:00 Finana clean your room / Petra throwing cans at Reimu

    2:22:12 End of the collab

    2:26:13 Sc reading tomorrow

    2:28:16 Talking about the organization of the streams

    2:30:24 Bye byeee

  2. Thank you for this very fun stream Reimu! sadly couldn't watch it live because I was watching Pomu's Mario 64 Endurance 😞 but I'll definitely check the archive when I have time, I hope you three had a lot of fun! see you next stream 👻🖤


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