I don’t know why I do this to myself
✧Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
Art: #bijouwled
Pebbles Personas: #pebblesona (Please be aware if you use this hashtag your art may appear on stream or other future projects!)
Pebble Art:
• URL: https://dova-s.jp
• License: https://dova-s.jp/_contents/license/
This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
Game URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
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I really wish you playing more phasmo in the future, specially because they're going to release a new huge patch in a few weeks.
I hope to see you playing again, it was so much fun!
Thanks for Stream Bijou 🗿🗿🗿
Thank you for the stream! That was pretty great!
Biboo made more money in her first hunt than her entire truck career, perhaps this is her calling. Thanks for the fun stream
Shes so cute LMFAO its safe to say we need more of these
Biboo actual size pov 21:16
19:50 LOL I had to check if I was watching Bijou or Korone.
I just love her intro so much!
Bro, she did better than Myth as a team of four. She's a pro rock gamer girl alright.
I don't know anything about heart rate, all I know is that my heart only beats for you😎
That was fun
i can't watch the live bc the work :(((((((
Incredibly based to be doing a horror game this early despite it being in the dislikes during debut. Keep the laughs comin
Thank you for delivering my favorite game 🫶I hope to see a collaboration with a senior player someday🌽 From a JP listener who is not good at horror games🗿
By DeepL Translation
cant wait for her playing outlast or RE series 🗿🗿
you're so cute when playing phasmo bijou , and funny too! i will make sure to watch full VOD your next horror game 😉
Hic 1 42:14
Hic 2 1:07:48
i'm can't handle horror stuff but it was less scarier because i'm with you! thank you for this stream Bijou 💜
Thanks for the fun stream, now we know stone are scared of ghost too~
thank you
Honestly such a fun stream, real shame that peak entertainment comes with Bijou's soul exiting here body
This was a short stream