#OLLIEginal #Kureiji_Ollie #holoID #hololive
Link: https://sociabuzz.com/kureijiollie/tribe
Link: https://streamlabs.com/kureijiolliechhololive-id
本ゲームは Kinetic Games の確認を得た上で配信・収益化を行なっております
This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
Game URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
@Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID
• POV:
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia
Link: https://youtu.be/2ZqtRc3fa_s
【Hololive Indonesia 3rd Gen DEBUTTED!】
《Vestia Zeta》
• YT: https://shrt.cx/r45VTS
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/vestiazeta?s=20&t=GWjDXFH7kgyfB8GwAKwXpw
《Kaela Kovalskia》
• YT: https://shrt.cx/AOIlta
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia?s=20&t=GWjDXFH7kgyfB8GwAKwXpw
《Kobo Kanaeru》
• YT: https://shrt.cx/eaWJuv
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/kobokanaeru?s=20&t=GWjDXFH7kgyfB8GwAKwXpw
【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming sedang berlangsung:
• Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan.
• Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topik pada kolom komentar.
• Dimohon tidak melakukan spam emoji/emoticon.
• Dimohon untuk tidak mengumpat, mencela, atau berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar.
• Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di waiting room.
• Dimohon untuk tidak memberi komentar tentang Vtuber lain di waiting room / saat livestream apabila tidak dimulai lebih dulu oleh Vtuber yang sedang streaming karena bersifat kurang sopan.
【EN】Notice during the stream :
• Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words.
• Please don’t have an OOT discussion in the comment.
• Please don’t do emoji spam.
• Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language.
• Please do not do any discussion in the waiting room.
• Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtuber during the livestream if the topic isn’t started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite.
Dan yang paling penting, tolong nikmati stream ini!!!!!
Most importantly, please enjoy the stream!!!
「Facebook Page」
• Announcements: #OLLInfo
• Live: #OLLIEginal
• Fanart: #graveyART
• Meme: #OLLIcin
「LAM Sensei」
• Twitter:
• Website:
「Keffiy Sensei」
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/keffiy?s=09
「Hiiragi Sensei」
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/hiiragiryo
Don’t forget to follow Ollie’s sisters!!!
【Anya Melfissa】
• Channel: https://t.co/Up4HqrcnSG?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa
【Pavolia Reine】
• Channel: https://t.co/aKgza8DGQf?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/pavoliareine
Generasi 1
【Ayunda Risu】
• Channel: https://t.co/3AI0d4Vkbo?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu
【Moona Hoshinova】
• Channel: https://t.co/W68ItCZBTg?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova
【Airani Iofifteen】
• Channel: https://t.co/ATHpGQeH2b?amp=1
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/airaniiofifteen
By Dova Syndrome
【Official cover website】
【Official YouTube Channel hololive Indonesia】
【Official Twitter hololive Indonesia】
【Official Facebook hololive Indonesia】
Thank you for the fun Phasmophobia stream with Kaela, Ollie!
sangat menarik liat perbedaan reaksi dari kedua makhluk ini~
Thank you for the stream~
Thanks for stream Ollie 💛💛
Otsu ollie & kaela.. makasih komedi horor nya 🤣
OTSUCRAZY! Thank you for the stream, it was a delight hanging out with you and Kaela! I knew this collab was going to be an amazing and blessed experience, and I wasn't disappointed! I loved every minute of it, thank you for the super fun collab!
Have a great night and rest well. Love you Ollie!
Otsu Ollie & Ela
Thank you for the stream Ollie ❤️👋
Ahh finally Phasmophobia with kaela😆👍
thank for the stream ollie and kaela
Thanks for the stream Ollie. It was fun. And yes you are a good senpai and sensei. 😆
Thank you Ollie for guiding our blacksmith and i believe she reach same level as you in the next 2 days wkwkwk
Please have more collab with kaela in the future, thank you once again
Thank you for the spooky collab stream, Ollie! It was an absolute thrill to watch you play Phasmophobia with Kaela! Going back to ghost hunting felt livelier than usual as you brought your kohai along to join you! You did a nice job guiding her through the game! Following strange trails into those haunted houses while gathering clues to find your suspects! Alongside the teamwork, the commentary you shared had us additionally entertained and so did your priceless reactions to the scares! We’re delighted to see that both of you had fun together! Maybe you two could do this again sometime! OtsuCrazy! Otsuela! 🧟♀️🔨❤️
配信𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮
Chaos banget aowkaowk hantunya pilih kasih
Ollie paisen jgn kapok sm oshi saya yaaa 😁🤭
Otsucrazy! I missed the last part, but you are a good senpai! (that takes all the emotional damage from your kouhai shenanigans )
Malah kebalik, Ela jadi yg carry wkkwkw
The reactions are so funny. It makes watching horror games entertaining with all the screams instead of people just not being scared of the ghost.
Otsuu, sumpah ini duo cocok bgt main game horror bareng, ollie yg penakut sama ela sang pawang hantu 🤣
Walaupun takut begitu tp ollie tetap peduli sama kaela sweet bgt ❤️🧡
Start 5:12
Ela lebih mengerikan dari pada hantunya sendiri wkwkwkwk
Thanks for the stream Ollie! I think Kaela handled phasmo very well, by the end it seems like she was terrorizing the ghosts, poor Walter!
Thank you Ollie
50:19 dung tak dung dung
bro, ollie, i want permission to collab, can i or not
sayang bgt gaada timestamp
Bro that ara ara
ollie bagus reaksinya kalo main game horor