ghost hunting with @Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN @Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN @Noir Vesper Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN!!!

Axel will also be streaming his perspective on his channel if you don’t want to watch a VR stream! i know it gets a little disorienting for some, so we have another option :3

Phasmophobia is a game where you investigate ghosts in different locations, determining what kind they are and where they are!!! Just make sure not to die in the process…

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
Game URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/


Leave a like if you enjoyed the stream! Subscribe if you want more content!

Regis Altare リージス・アルテア | HOLOSTARS English-TEMPUS-
Leader of the Tempus Guild, at your service! let’s save the world, together!

#AlTogether #holoTEMPUS #holostarsEN #holostars

Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/minipuffins/status/1571825675132366849

Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Fan Name: Altventurers

@regisaltare https://twitter.com/regisaltare


1: Be nice to others
2: Keep chat on topic
3: No backseating, unless specifically asked
4: Ignore or report spam or troll comments
5: Respect me as a person
6: Have fun!
7: Please do not superchat me for voice lines.

TEMPUS Guild Members:

Regis Altare
Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/9m2Gzca26I8
Twitter: https://twitter.com/regisaltare

Magni Dezmond
Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/H-8u6VPH92k
Twitter: https://twitter.com/magnidezmond

Axel Syrios
Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/JRTOfhbdbn0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/axelsyrios

Noir Vesper
Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/SBQtnouQqgY
Twitter: https://twitter.com/noirvesper_en


Starting Ending Art: snowmya @nyangnyang3580
Starting Ending Rig: Bluejey98 @bluejey98
Stinger: Negai Labs @NegaiLab
Starting BGM: Horizon Blue https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play15111.html
Chatting BGM: まったりライフ https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play12740.html
Ending BGM: lost https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play2449.html



Fanart Guidelines:

HOLOSTARS Official Website: https://holostars.hololivepro.com/en/
hololive production Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololivepro_EN


30 thoughts on “【Phasmophobia VR】 GHOST HUNTING WITH THE BOIS!!!”

  1. TS for the bois' screams /(slight panic):
    13:53 28:31 31:10 36:59 37:00
    37:08 37:36 37:40
    1:01:42 1:02:50 1:02:56 1:08:08
    1:14:36 1:34:43 1:39:14 1:40:00
    Full TS:
    10:51 – Start!
    13:50 – Attempt to troll backfires
    14:41 – Same lvl as his height!
    16:021st Contract: Street House (Intermediate)
    18:28 – Magni's sanity?
    19:23 – Axel taking a groufie
    22:29 – Cats vs dogs?
    24:39 – Ves' zomboid instincts kicking in
    28:31 – Leader panic noises
    31:10 – More panic noises
    36:59 – Runnin' and hidin' w/ Axel
    37:11 – Ves: "Oh, I'm dead"
    37:36 – Ghost going for the double kill F
    39:46 – Hero who cried wolf..
    41:20 – They're leaving LMAO
    42:13 – Loadout
    46:082nd Contract: Farmhouse (Intermediate)
    49:57 – It's just passing thru
    51:38 – Axel wants to make things go boom
    53:01 – Eek!
    54:06 – Aww Ves teetee
    56:06 – Axel's toxic ballin days
    1:00:42 – Spicy milk
    1:01:42 – Ves slight panic noises
    1:02:50 – Leader panic noises
    1:02:56 – Magni's dying screech F
    1:03:24 – The disrespect LMAO
    1:05:19 – "Your mom"
    1:08:08 – Axel's dying screech o7
    1:12:09 – "We die together"
    1:14:28 – They did'nt die together (Rip leader) o7
    1:16:30 – Ves: "How do I end?"
    1:17:10 – They were cheering for the ghost
    1:18:30 – Loadout
    1:22:22 – 3rd run (bugged)
    1:25:03 – key doko?
    1:28:233rd Contract: Campsite (Intermediate)
    1:33:47 – Nice fishing spot
    1:34:43 – Magni's distant screech
    1:35:40 – Leader: "Would you like to go on a date" & Ves: "You can't"
    1:38:51 – Lighting the summoning circle
    1:39:15 – Magni's faint screech F
    1:39:46 – Hunting them right after
    1:40:00 – Leader's screech as he dies o7
    1:40:34 – Axel: " But she already killed two"
    1:43:00 – Cheering the ghost
    1:51:37 – Chat pro hunters lmao
    1:52:11 – Tempus phasmo all VR?

    Otsutare! Ty for another fun Tempus collab to start the week off with! Looking forward to the 4-man VR phasmo for next time when you guys can!

  2. Loved it that whenever someone died, they just decided to screw with the living boys and sicc the ghost on them. First to betray the guild? Nah, it's half a group effort. Hilarious collab, would love to see more of it in the future!!!

    Also Altare's screams jumpscared me more than Magni's, so props to scaring us with those! Hope you can wind down and relax after this adrenaline-rush of a stream, leader!

  3. I loved this collab! I hope you guys play it again sometime!

    Some tips for the future, when you run and hide from the ghost, make sure to turn off all electronics! Lights off and cameras dropped (or in an inactive inventory slot) so the ghost won’t find you.

    There’s also a cursed object on every map (like the summoning circle that Dezmond lit or the haunted mirror). Using them causes the ghost to hunt for longer, but they also allow you to get some activity or photos! 😀


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