【POMU SOLO HALLOWEEN PHASMOPHOBIA】If lazu cannot join me, I must be brave on my own【Pomu Rainpuff】

Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/Luuuu_Eryu
Thank you so much!!~
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PKZ = Ikuzo but with Pomu!!
Stream: #PomuLive
Art: #PomuPaint
Meme: #bigppmemes
Fan name: Pomudachi
Oshi mark: 🧚🍂


1. Please be respectful to everyone!
2. No spamming, trolling, or discussing controversial subjects
3. Please don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first and please don’t mention me in other streamer’s chats
4. Please keep comments relevant to the stream
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6. Believing in fairies is a must!!!

【Follow Lazulight!】
Elira: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow
Finana: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw
Lazulight Original Song – Diamond City Lights (Official MV): https://youtu.be/ZnP0cKNPE04

【NIJISANJI Official YouTube (EN)】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JSeFfovhNsEhftt1WHMvg
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【Official ANYCOLOR Site】 https://www.anycolor.co.jp/

For Business and PR Inquiries :

Thank you to everyone who has made gifs for the loading screen!!
Emotes: @walfieee , @Ellem__ , @KamiiRkgk
Chatting & Gaming Overlay: @p_a_r_a_l_l_e_l
Maid Cafe bg: @uwumedia


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▽ For Business and PR Inquiries


20 thoughts on “【POMU SOLO HALLOWEEN PHASMOPHOBIA】If lazu cannot join me, I must be brave on my own【Pomu Rainpuff】”

  1. There might not have been the Lazu collab this Halloween, but I think Pomu did well going solo. Plus, she had us with her, so she wasn't exactly alone~!

    And if there's anything I learned from this stream, it's that Pomu has ten toes.

  2. You know, the cruel irony of this game is that if you stall, you're more likely to be hunted. Even without the set up timer, your sanity is on a timer so to speak, and when you get low, things get worse and more difficult. Too bad I've been having crashing issues with this game, and also sucks that I wasn't able to stay watching the stream long since it's my sister's birthday on Halloween. At least we actually got some trick-or-treaters this year. That was nice. And at least we're both in our 30s so I don't have to be tormented by her getting extra candy on Halloween for her birthday, meanwhile I'm there thinking "if only I was born 29 days later, I'd get more candy too…" (October 2nd)

    Thanks for being brave for the stream, so I can at least play vicariously through you…

  3. Fun fact: lighthouses had a lot of spooky stories because they used to float the lens on liquid mercury. And with the people there being exposed to mercury, get mercury poisoning and go insane.


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