🔴 Phasmophobia Tamil Live | Horror Gameplay With Friends 👻

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Thumbnail Credits :- SPG-Rocky
Channel Link :- https://youtube.com/@spg-rocky?si=kRpN3nakIXPnzuXg


My PC Specs:

Processor – Ryzen 5 5600
Graphics Card – Zotac GTX GeForce 1650
RAM – 2×8 GB DDR4 3200 mhz
Storage – 1x 500 GB SSD, 2x 1 TB HDD
Motherboard – Gigabyte B450M DH3S
Power Supply – Coolermaster 550W
Cooling System – Stock cooler
Case – Finger Non RGB Cabinet
Monitor – LG Ultragear 24″ Full HD
Secondary Monitor – Coconut 1600X1400
Keyboard – Zebronics Gaming Keyboard
Mouse – Zebronics Wired Gaming Mouse
Controller – Redgear Pro Wireless Gamepad
Headphone – Redgear Cloak Gaming Headphone
Operating System – Windows 11 Professional


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UPI ID: abbasjs786@ibl

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