So you’ve been playing Phasmophobia with your friends and now that you don’t have to change your pants every job contract you’re ready to skill up eh? Sweet. Well in today’s video we will go over 10 tips that will make you instantly improve at the game.
Beginner’s Guide:
Cheat Sheet:
00:00 – Introduction
00:27 – #1 – Locating The Ghost
00:56 – #2 – Armed And Ready
01:32 – #3 – Just A Dash
01:57 – #4 – Hear No Evil
02:34 – #5 – Favors the Brave
03:02 – #6 – In Thy Name
03:37 – #7 – A Way Out
04:03 – #8 – Side Hustle
04:31 – #9 – Olympic Torch
05:07 – #10 – Help I’m Stuck!
#1 – Locating The Ghost. Before bringing out the heavy equipment you’ll first want to find where the ghost is haunting at the location. I’ve found it best to have everyone sweep with EMF Readers and Thermometers to find activity. Listen for footsteps and pay attention to minor activity like light switches being flipped, doors opening or closing, phones ringing, or objects moving.
#2 – Armed And Ready. Equipment can be placed on the floor or countertop while activated and will still work. This includes EMF Readers, Spirit Boxes, or UV Flashlights for example. I recommend taking advantage of this by placing multiple Spirit Boxes and EMF Readers around the room to catch ghost activity as the ghost roams.
#3 – Just A Dash. Salt is used to track ghost movement and should be used sparingly. Note that footprints are not the same as fingerprints. If the ghost walks through even just an edge of a salt pile they will leave footprints, which means you should spread out your salt piles rather than bunch them up.
#4 – Hear No Evil. When a ghost goes into hunting phase, they will patrol the location and attempt to find victims. To avoid being a victim yourself you need to become invisible. Find a hiding spot preferably in a closet or locker, but also do not make any noise or speak. The sneakier you can be the safer you will be.
#5 – Favors the Brave. Most evidence is best gathered during a ghost event or an attack. Just because you haven’t gotten an EMF spike, ghost writing in a book, or a spirit box response does not mean you can rule it out. Wait for ghost activity to check for evidence or even better check during an attack.
#6 – In Thy Name. The easiest way to piss off a ghost is using its name. Thus, it is a useful tool in identifying the ghost. However, I recommend not using the name until you are struggling to find evidence and you need to heighten activity for verification.
#7 – A Way Out. Always have an escape route in mind in case you get attacked by the ghost. Keep the location of closets and lockers in mind at all times. If you don’t have one nearby, you can loop most ghost types around couches, tables, and kitchen islands by constantly running.
#8 – Side Hustle. The main and optional objectives provide the bulk of the cash you will get out of a job contract. Snapping photos of the main pieces of evidence like fingerprints and the ghost itself pays well. However, providing evidence of your other discoveries is a great way to pad your wallet. Photos of Voodoo Dolls, Bone DNA, footprints, and Ouija Boards also provide cash.
#9 – Olympic Torch. Smudge Sticks can be lit two ways. Either by holding a lit lighter in your hand and pressing F with your crosshair on a smudge stick. Or even better activate a lighter in your inventory then switch to a smudge stick in your hand and press F. Smudge Sticks need to be lit in the room the ghost is haunting but at the making of this video you can also hold it in your hand and run through a few rooms to get extra coverage.
#10 – Help I’m Stuck! If you find yourself out of ideas and lacking evidence here’s some tips. If you are looking for a response on the Spirit Box, make sure the lights are off, you are in the same room as the ghost, you are speaking slowly and clearly without the ghost’s name. You may also need to be alone to get a response. I see many players miss these details. Finding ghost orbs can take patience. Setup multiple camera angles, turn off the lights, and turn on night vision to spot them.
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00:00 – Introduction
00:27 – #1 – Locating The Ghost
00:56 – #2 – Armed And Ready
01:32 – #3 – Just A Dash
01:57 – #4 – Hear No Evil
02:34 – #5 – Favors the Brave
03:02 – #6 – In Thy Name
03:37 – #7 – A Way Out
04:03 – #8 – Side Hustle
04:31 – #9 – Olympic Torch
05:07 – #10 – Help I'm Stuck!
"You can loop most ghosts"
Years of playing Dead by Daylight have not been in vain 😛
My friends and I were repeating the ghost's name for fun without knowing that it could hear us.
We almost had a heart attack.
3:49 as an experienced Dead by daylight survivor I will make this ghost DC within 5 mins
5:09 ez just call stepbro
Missing something on what to ask
after watching this
me: Oh cool I wanna try that loop-around-counter thing
1 game later
me: How do I keep my cool again?
Why are they always flashing their light at the ghost?
0:48 has anyone also heard the microwave dinging?
I'm playing it in vr
I remember I was on a map, and we had completed most of our tasks, and we wanted pictures of the ghost so we left the lights off for like 10 minutes waiting and saying its name. (Nothing happened so we left).
My friends: Starts telling the ghost name too many times.
Me: I'm just going to see if there's any orbes and check our sanity , good luck lol.
I'm just trying to find a ghost waifu! Is that too much to ask for? 😭
During hunting phase I usually throw my flashlight on the floor and hide behind furniture at a good distance away and wait until the flickering stops
Me: plays this game
realizes I have no friends
Also me: sad noises
jin sounds like a bs way to die especially if you dont know its a jin which will be for a long time
Could you please tell me the song playing when explaining #1 🙂
I talk fortnite running another channel wow
once i get in the house i just yell the name of the ghost
I’m 36 seconds in and this intense music is scarier than the game itself bruh
Another way to help narrow down the ghosts is to be aware of it's strengths and weaknesses so for a phantom if you take a photo of it and it disappears, you know it's a phantom and if your sanity drops faster than normal, it's probably a yurei
You forgot the most important tip, if you are in the truck, and your friend is alone in the building/house, say the ghosts name over and over to cheer your friend on to the exit!
Tip which for so many unknown reasons is not spread.
1) JHINS ARE FASTER THAN YOU. Turn that breaker off, and ankle brake them THEN. They are even faster than revenants, so be cautious.
2) WRATIHS ARE A @!$@#!$%. If you are baiting her for ankle braking, remember that wraiths can FLY. They usually follow physical paths, but once they are close enough, they do not give a single damn, and phase straight at you and can kill you just cause. If you break the line of sight, they will not phase, so choose good looping spots.
3) Don't mess with spirits. For some crazy reason, they tend to be the most aggressive when called by name… Once you call a name, and sanity is below 50%, prepare for a chain.
4) Have I mentioned that sanity is the sum of all hunters?
5) You lose sanity when interacting with jhins in their room. try to not stand inside of it, if you are able to.
6) Don't be afraid of the hunt. If you are in asylum or highschool, it is the perfect moment for clue gathering. Let one of you get the aggro, and the rest can easily get any clue you need, as the ghost is at 10 activity (materialization). Be careful though, If there would be an accident while ankle braking, you might get aggroed extremely fast.
7) hunt phase takes 25/35/55 seconds
8) Ghosts DO NOT HEAR RADIO! Don't be afraid to tap this "b" button, as it is a really reliable way to confirm hunts. (same with flashlights).
9) Ghosts might lose LoS, if you crouch rapidly. It is extremely useful for most ghosts, except wraith, as she does not see DOORs, ITEMs, and furniture.
10) Don't be a wuss, and hide in a room with doors. IF you are not hidden behind doors room, ghosts can wander onto you by just pure luck (and close doors, as ghosts, do not open doors, if they are not aggroed by you).
11) Ghosts IDLE for 5 sec after hunt start. A good moment for a photo?
1. grow balls
Does turning off your flashlight during an attack do anything? I watched another youtuber and saw every time a hunt initiated he turned off his flashlight
Haha and we were yelling the ghosts name so he'd write in the book
A good tip for EMF Readers is "DONT JUST THROW THEM IN RANDOM PLACES". It's best to place the EMF Reader near things that you know that the ghost interacts with, like doors/light switches/windows etc. EMF Reader is AOE based and so are the EMF triggers that it detects, be smart when dropping the EMF Reader.
Also, using the ghosts name on a spirit box upon entry to the house and while alone helps to find the room faster (only do this once). Youll even get freezing temps faster because it often triggers activity. Being afraid to use their name is pretty silly.
"Revenant can get you while alone" No revenant can get you if it sees you as it gets a speed boost that makes it twice as fast as any other ghost. You're supposed to hide from revs so that it doesn't get the speed boost. Being alone is irrelevant.
"Jinn can teleport to you if the breaker is on" No. Jinn (while the breaker is on) will get a speed boost like the rev if its target is more than 4m away from it.
Ouija Board does not need to be on for the photo, it just needs to not be on the ground (it's a bug).
Smudge stick needs to be lit and be within 6m of the ghost, doing it in the room is not required. You'll notice that doing it in a large room doesn't always cross off the objective and has no affect, that's because it has to get the ghost.
Ghost orbs are spawned before you even enter the house. The issue isn't activity, it's just bad camera placement. Also the bug that made them spawn in glitched places made it hard or impossible to find them. Recently they fixed it by making orbs spawn more central in the rooms (same with the bone). A little tip with orbs, if the ghost is in a hallway on highschool or asylum, orbs can be seen by any cameras that are in that hallway.
Also big tip on the photo camera, take a picture of any unique interactions, radio turning on/phone buzzing/light switching on or off/door moving/salt stepped on these all grant money.
Tip with the log book, you might have 3 cameras as so 15 possible photos but the book has far less photos that will actually count. If it's in the book and has a title over it, then it counts.
Tip for pro difficulty, if someone dies be a nice guy and take a photo of their dead body so that they get some insurance back. Also dead body grants you money as it counts as photo evidence.
Just wanna add something here Hiding from a Banshee is pretty much useless, as it is stated that line of sight blockers do not stop the banshee from pathing to its designated target, banshee are all seeing, also Wraiths, can see through doors lockers and closets but no through walls or other object likes beds toilets ect.
me being told not to piss the ghosts off…
me and my friends getting a ghost named Karen and we all start calling them a boomer in the first 5 mins and getting hunted every minoopsyeah but no one knows what those stupid keys do
What’s a ghost orb?
How did you guys open flashlight while using emf ? or temp ?