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Still think the parabolic is the most useless tool in this game lol. Thermometer + your ears just gets the job done the fastest. If temp in a room is below 11C it's pretty much guaranteed in there. If they nerfed the thermometer by causing some ghosts not to cause cold spots, I'd give the parabolic another shot but until then there's really no point.
the 2nd ghost was just stomping all over the place, never seen a ghost that active right off the bat
Spoilers for 2nd investigation.
I had that last one narrowed down to spirit, wraith, and poltergeist through evidence alone pretty early on, but the spirit just seemed to refuse to write in the book at all, so I was trying to look at behavioural patterns. Freezing temperatures are actually a wraith thing, and I’m pretty sure we should have seen that eventually in that room, plus the interactions with the salt didn’t really say “I can fly, move through walls, and hate salt”. When multiple things turned off at once, being the lights, tv, etc, I last minute though that it could be poltergeist, because I decided a spirit refusing to write was just as likely as a poltergeist refusing to show orbs. Unfortunately there are no tell tale behaviours to figure out its spirit, other than just saying “Well it can’t be anything else”
Sweet I got both right! Also that journal is really handy! Would love too see more of this stuff!
In the first game he got all the hints, and still palced the cameras. First was freezing breath, then the handprint on the door into the kitchen and last was the spiritbox saying "Here". Mb didnt realise the point lol.
Did you miss the finger prints on the second one, when you looked right at them?
This was really cool
The first I got correct, the 2nd I was watching if it wrote in the book, because I thought it would be a spirit. There were footsteps in the salt, but it didn't write in the book and no orbs. So I was guessing Spirit. And I was right !
Got both of them right on this one
First one is very obviously a Wraith.
And the second case looks like a Spirit to me. Spirit box + Fingerprints leave only Polter, Wraith and Spirit. No freezing temps. So polter and spirit. DIdnt see any orb, so sticking with Spirit.
Looks like I called both of these right, too. The first one was a rapid identity, thanks to its eagerness to show clues. I very quickly narrowed it down to X. The second one however, was very tough. However, I made an ultimate, but risky decision on Y, for multiple reasons.
Open my comment to translate X and Y.
X = Wraith
Y = Spirit
"I very quickly narrowed it down to Wraith."
"I made an ultimate, but risky decision on Spirit, for multiple reasons."
Addendum to the second one:
Despite the good camera positioning by Dusk, not a single Ghost Orb could be found, even when the Spirit turned the TV on. The killing of all electronics by the Spirit at the end almost made me consider Poltergeist, due to its interaction with multiple objects, but I retained my stance on Spirit again, due to the lack of Ghost Orbs. I also struck out Wraith again, because no matter how many times Dusk re-entered the house, his breath never misted up even once. And the one thing that made me almost certain that it was a Spirit, was when Dusk smoked out its room with the smudge sticks, which made it almost completely passive and inactive for a while, which is in fact the Spirit's Unique Weakness. Those are the reasons why I finally settled on Spirit. And I'm glad that I did.
This is fun actually, Its my first time like actually playing the game itself … thank you for the great content (new sub btw) . I only got the first one.. but got wrong on spirit lmao
The second one had me stumped i thought it was polter because of the writing (I didn't see it) There was none! so my guess was firmly on polter that was a huge turn around though! Great vid
7.06 there's a handprint on the door
First one was so fast, Hand print, talking, freezing
2/2 right, im ready for the next vid 🙂
"It's.. really CHILLY in here!" ..Wink wink.
thermometer isn't hitting 0*C to indicate Freezing Temperatures
wow this ghost really likes to talk
Dang missed the handprint on the first one, I guessed Demon just because it was really active. Saw the freezing and obvs Spirit Box . Alright next one
I was thinking Oni for that second one haha damn
First ghost you missed handprints on the door, at least I’m pretty sure you didn’t acknowledge it but I might be wrong.
Love the channel and content. I'm on day 3 of playing it myself (after work for a little before bed to rinse and repeat). Just got level 2 last night. You've helped me far more than anyone else on youtube. Thank thank thank you. I don't have time to sit and learn a whole new game but instead I can watch a few videos throughout my work day and come home a be far more confident than I was the night before.
Best thing about the game is how creepy and freaky is can be! The damn tutorial ghost made the car alarm go off when I was trying to place the camera in the garage. Bout shit myself.
Keep it up brotha! Great content. Do you even play with viewers or fans?
Spirits are probably the hardest with this way of using clues. They have no real strengths to identify, and using smudge sticks and journals must be in the hard part
Oh they do talk without being asked to. So much NOPE! I love it.
First one: Wraith.
All of the evidences werr shown (I like that you gave us a second chance with that handprint on the door). Though honestly I was like 90% percent sure it was a Banshee before you got the spirit box answer.
Banshee only targets 1 person and you were the only one so I thought that maybe that is why the ghost was so aggresive.
For the second one: Poletergeist
I think you missed it, but I believe there were fingerprints on the first light-switch? Plus this one really wanted to chat. So that is spirit box + fingerprints. Ruled out Wraith, because too many steps and no freezing temps. The book was empty for a long time so assumed it wasn't a spirit, but also because it was still super active a short time after you burned the smudge-stick.
Which leaves Poltergeist. Especially with all the object interaction that was going on I really thought it was a Poltergeist.
if you pay attention you can know the first one was a wraith as fast as 7:35! also i cant believe the spirit never wrote in the book with how active it was. I still managed to guess it right tho o/
Ahh man, that second one, I had it right as you were going through, but then the behavior had me second guess and change my answer.
Spiri would've used Ghost Writing. The book was in there for SO long! How did it not write?!
Predictions: Wraith and Spirit
Howdy Doodle Do, call me fucking Sherlock Holmes
I guess for the first one, what with the reaction to the lights getting turned off, it would be a Mare? I didn’t see any orbs tho….I thought I saw his breath at one point so we have the freezing temperatures and we have the spirit box….I dunno tho. I didn’t see any orbs.
Dangit. I was wrong. Wraith was the second guess, but I really wanted it to be a Mare. Come to think of it, I thought I saw fingerprints at one point, but it was just for a second and I wasn’t sure. Dammit.
On the second one, poltergeist, spirit, or wraith? I’m apparently crap at seeing orbs…I don’t think the emf got to five and I didn’t see any ghost writing….I’m gonna go with Spirit. Maybe. Crap.
Oh my god I actually got it? But I didn’t see any ghost writing?
On the first you could see all the clues. the "killer" was frosty breath after throwing away the thermometer and hearing the swoshing sound. On the second one was actually also quite clear as there were fingerprints on the actual light switches, and despite incredibly good coverege, no spirit orbs. There also were no freezing temps, so it had to be spirit.
I swear I saw a ghost orb on that second one, up in the top right the absolute final time you look at the cams, just before you turn away. That's what got me sure that it was a poltergeist and not a spirit, guess I saw wrong 😛
I guessed Wraith on the second one because I never saw any ghost writing for it to be a Spirit. Guess it had writers block.
the journal isnt working
True story:
Me: Are you friendly?
Ghost: Kill
Ghost again: adult
Me: I didn't ask you that
Ghost: starts hunting
the smudge stick didn't pacify it, based on that and the evidence I thought it was a poltergeist
Man! That ghost was WAY TOO HAPPY to see you, wasn't he? :v
I think I may be the only person in existence that when everyone says "Catch?" from the Spirit Box, I hear the word "Curse" but with a strange text-to-speech accent.
I had a wraith run earlier today where, for whatever reason, my wraith just really felt like strolling with it's feet on the ground. The whole round, I was able to always find it/know it was following me, by it's foot steps. And, the first thing it did was set off the car alarm, followed by hecking with the garage's and nearby rooms' lights for the rest of the game. To say I was Confused by the end of the round is an understatement.
Nice Fire Marshall bill reference