200IQ THERMO STRAT 🌡️ | Phasmophobia #shorts

Why sit there and wait for freezing temps when you can check from the truck? In this Phasmophobia short, I try out a 200IQ thermo strat for checking the temps.

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#phasmophobia #short #phasmophobiagame


13 thoughts on “200IQ THERMO STRAT 🌡️ | Phasmophobia #shorts”

  1. The light placement is ridiculous but you can set up a light further back and still see it pretty good. The ghost also has a higher chance of knocking over the cam if its not on a tripod. Just having fun testing out methods with the new equipment 🙂

  2. Doesn't it show the real temperature only while being in a player's hand? I feel like other than that it shows the same temperature all the time even not on camera footage but even lying on the floor


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