In this video I am going to show you where and how you can still loop ghosts with the new Phasmophobia difficulty patch.

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30 thoughts on “22 LOOPING SPOTS with the NEW PHASMOPHOBIA PATCH”

  1. I loop only when I have an objective that requires me to interact with ghost during a hunt or way or another. However, that's annoying on long run, at least for me.

  2. So something I noticed is that the ghost line of sight doesn't seem to factor in the angle of their perspective but is rather a straight line. So for example, if you stand directly behind an object you can't see over it, but if you stand like 10 feet behind it then you can see over it. However that doesn't seem to effect if the ghost can see you or not. I have tried that in several places, where I stand further back so I have a larger field of view around the object and better see the ghost, and the ghost never seems to notice me because of that. If an object blocks line of sight, standing close or far away from it doesn't seem to matter as long as the ghost is on the other side.

  3. I wonder how DK will approach this issue. Maybe allow the ghosts to count if they've been on a similar path more than once and if it's true they will turn invisible and pick a random direction counter to the loop. I love looping but at the same time I love thinking about the designs to counter it.

  4. bleasedale omg i been calling it bleachdale this whole time and I been playing since the game came out LMAO omg.. but the first time I tried to loop I died and yet to try it again lol

  5. I honestly think I accidentally "looped" a Revenant on High School 😅
    Context below:
    It was my first High School game on new patch (patch that added the ghost speed up thing and furniture blocking LOS).
    So basically, 2 hunts happened and I kinda guessed Rev since 2 guys died within a few moments of each hunt starting 🙈
    We try to B-line it to the ghost room at the back right classroom and then drop crucifixes there, I UV torch check and see the prints, a moment later the collegue confirmed ghost writing and our worst fears….then the fecking Rev hunts.
    I U-Turn and decide to avoid the corridor since it's a death sentence with a Rev and took my chances crouch sprinting….leap frogging even between tables/chairs in the cafeteria/cantine. I hear the ghost gurgling…2 seconds of it here…I criss cross a table and gone….it was as though it was constantly catching up but losing me every 2 seconds as I weaved left and right through the tables (crouched the entire time) I finally come out the other end of the cantine. I'm…I'm still alive I think 🤔…quickly man….no time to question it….HIDE is the next thing you need….and so I go right, swing the library door frantically and slam…I then crouch sprint to the back of the library. I am barely 3 seconds in the room when I hear the ghost creek the door open….and hover in…..I count the flashlight flickers in a desperate attempt to regain some control, a possible point of reference for how long I have left….and it stops. The ghost was the other side of the bookcase I was crouched behind, it was going systematically past each one.
    That was the best, most exhilarating Revenant game I ever had.
    We got the ghost type, and the hunt I just described to you…that got us the objective for "escape the ghost during a hunt"…so it definitely had locked onto me at some point that hunt. Every other hunt was taunting us with that objective still unfinished. It was honestly amazing to play through that.

  6. Ghosts need to make a sound when they turn around. THat would be much better. Like have 4 faster steps STEP STEP STEP STEP STEPSTEPSTEPSTEP STEP STEP STEP STEP. Or have 2 seconds without steps which so you know its turning.


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