wraith and phantom are fun bc you can throw a crucifix, emf, and motion sensor through the front door and go in with a smudge stick to test for both plus a deo. sit behind the lil divider walls in the entryway and emf goes off if wraith tps to you, motion sensor flashes if it phantom wanders to you, and crucifix prevents unfortunate mishaps in either event 🥳
the hiding spots got patched out right in the middle of me trying to get the 24x so that was a fun surprise to log back in to 🥹 fun video, love to watch others do this challenge and explain how they go about it
i would love to play phasmo with you, i’m only lvl 100
Does this need to be in single player ?
Mare is one of the easiest to guess. They insta off light switches. And they will do it pretty regular.
wraith and phantom are fun bc you can throw a crucifix, emf, and motion sensor through the front door and go in with a smudge stick to test for both plus a deo. sit behind the lil divider walls in the entryway and emf goes off if wraith tps to you, motion sensor flashes if it phantom wanders to you, and crucifix prevents unfortunate mishaps in either event 🥳
the hiding spots got patched out right in the middle of me trying to get the 24x so that was a fun surprise to log back in to 🥹 fun video, love to watch others do this challenge and explain how they go about it
Do you ever get tired of play phasmophobia?