There are 3 things Every Beginner should learn in Phasmophobia, that is How to Find the Ghost Room, How to use the evidence items to identify the ghost, and How to Survive Hunts. Everything else can come later, but focusing on those will let you get more xp and money to unlock better items. I will go through each of those parts and bring them down in simples terms so you can get better at Phasmphobia fast!
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If you are new to Phasmophobia or a returning player who is lost I do have guides on the channel which you can check out in these awesome playlists here:
Phasmophobia Beginner Guides:
Hunting Guides to help you SURVIVE:
Want to get better at Ghost Tests? Check out my You Decide Series where You figure out the ghost type:
Want a Smudge Timer like I Got? Here is how I set it up:
Unofficial Phasmophobia Cheat Sheet:
Time Stamps:
0:00 How to Find the Ghost Room in Phasmophobia
3:30 How to get Evidence in Phasmophobia
9:03 How to Survive Hunts in Phasmophobia
7 Ghost Abilities YOU Should Learn First:
Thank you -ov
Im just wondering what button you need to press if you have push to talk on?
Hey love what you do on this channel – but as a suggestion, I would change out that disgusting ghost on the thumbnail if your interested in more clicks.
Make your video more inviting to click on.
14:34–14:35 hyper poltergeist
At 4:32 did you have the emf on in your inventory and it was going off while you had the thermo equipped. Is that some we can do?
You should do a video on each tier of equipment…😅
Taking the surviving tips to the next game and hopefully not panic quit because the ghost decides to blow out all the lights at the entrance 😂
Me, not a beginner watching this: 👁👄👁
This is great, thank you! I still don't feel ready for the console release. 😂
This is super helpful, I have been playing for a few months bit still didn't know many things or have forgotten them. Thanks
Thank you for that really helpful video! I've been always dependent on experiences teammates, which is the reason I haven't played much on my own. But now I feel a bit more comfortable to try and play some rounds on my own ^^
Great video!
Hello mr LilP66, I watched almost all of your videos to guess the ghost and I can't find one that has a banshee 😢 I really want to know how to spot them in hunts solo player.
Also I'm super thankful for the educational content and some of the hilarious comments about the ghosts. I'm less scared of them thanks to you ❤
I can't believe I never thought to just set the thermo in the enterence hallway place while I get other stuff from the van and find the room- Gonna be doing that from now on-