6 EASY Tips to Help Spot a Ghost Event VS a Hunt – Phasmophobia

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nuzzgard

Ghost events and hunts can be rather difficult to differentiate at a glance with the latest Phasmophobia update, but there are a few very simple things you can look out for to quickly spot the difference.
In this video I’ll be showing you 6 easy tips to spot the difference, and how you can use them in combination to quickly work out what you are dealing with.


31 thoughts on “6 EASY Tips to Help Spot a Ghost Event VS a Hunt – Phasmophobia”

  1. whenever i end up in a hunt, i know its a hunt and run away but whenever i run away i always seem to run straight into the ghosts arms and get killed immediately, am i just extremely unlucky or is there something to it? its happened in at least 8 games where i get hunted

  2. 2:34
    The front door is iffy for me, idk why or how, but on multiple occasions, I've had the front door close and lock on me for the duration of a ghost event, its only happened like 4 or 5 times, but it makes me not want to rely on it

  3. What I found out over the time is that a ghost will never close indoors at the beginning of a hunt (like when you turn around and he closed the door in your face, it's almost certainly a ghost event).

  4. On the ghost hunt you hear the sound of front door locking, but why ghost sometimes not locking just closing door (but you still hear the sound) and it's not helping, because I can loose my probably the only one chance to take ghost photo.

  5. I play this in co-op and as a new player, i dont know what to do, whenever they say that its ghost event, they always say "hide!" Lol and i will feel nervous and panic if theres a jumpscare since i have a nyctophobia

  6. Also when a hunt is active the radio/ walkie talkie will make a static noise and when there is an event you will still be able to talk and won’t here a static sound ( don’t know if this is still reliable tho)


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