A new Phasmophobia difficulty patch was released that increases difficulty massively. In this video I will show all 6 of them and give you tips on how to deal with them.
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What do you think of this patch? What would you like me to cover next?
I had one cheap death in that tanglewood locker, the ghost saw me inside through some glitched hole in the locker door or the frame and pretty much bolted for the locker and opened both doors twice even though I was alone and not talking, ffs. I got heartbeat INSIDE A CLOSED LOCKER, how fun is that?
Great changes, great video!
I have come, once again, for my smowtz you beautiful potato.
Love your videos and I am looking forward to hopping into the beta with friends this week. You keep me interested in the game with all the exciting news and your personal recommendations for surviving.
wtf is with the potato
The thumbnail is actually hilarious
you be tired of hearing it but love the thumbnail
Game doesn't feel much harder, sadly its still easy
It does make it harder now to hide in the same spot. Heh.
I had a ghost hunting me within 2 minutes of the game.
Hi Psycho -Maybe someday you can play some of the 'games' my group and i play!? We have done hide and seek in the high school. One player stays in the truck while the others go and hide. They cannot move once they find a hiding spot, then the seeker goes and tries to find them. Any player who dies during the game automatically loses. LOL
This is deadass one of the funniest thumbnails
The thing about the hearing footsteps from far away has been basically changed again:
"Increased the maximum distance that you can hear the ghost footsteps from 7 to 20 meters. The volume rolloff has also been adjusted.
0:43 – Interesting how the ghost has line of sight to the player but is facing away, hence not able to home in on them anymore… Before they will raycast a line to a player regardless of distance and 'facing' direction.
3:28 That voice tho
Thaaanks! Really appreciate your effort in making us smarter hunters.
My group had a broken ghost last night. It sped up much faster than the ghost in this video. It was a banshee but basically acted like a rev. I died early on and just thought I was too close to the room since I couldn't make it to the hiding spot but when it started hunting again, it sped up instantly instead of gradually when it saw one of my friends.
where did you get the info about the sound for the footsteps decreasing. the only thing i found was Game-Updates.info that says the volume was increased https://game-updates.info/phasmophobia?83
Love your vids (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
I don't think a player should be able to run from a ghost imo. Mabey all ghosts should be as fast as a jinn atleast.
(screams in tennis ball)
6:35 That happened to me too
Was that car in the thumbnail the Octane in rocket league
'The parabolic mic might be useful'
Oh Psycho, you jester.
Don't know what I was going to do without my cute potato video fix. Glad it's here!
Very informative video, thank you! Also, if you were using Voicemod for your voice at 3:27 , can you share your voice mod settings for that voice?
Dini Videos sind super! Danke dir für dTipps und fürs luschtige Thumbnail 😂👌
I'm actually worried the game now is turning even harder and harder when we are just normal walking peasants in large places full of ghosts.
I was so close to being able to play with you, but my game crashed when I tried to click on your lobby xD
Been wondering on what the speed boost will do to Jinns, thank you Psycho!
I was really expecting to listen to your comments about the footsteps, since No Hunting Indicators just became EXTREME. I really liked having the ability to listen when it was far away, by remaining quiet and cautious. At least it was increased to 20 meters! The first patch with 7 meters felt ridiculous. The ghost could be hunting in the same room, and you could only hear the doors being opened 🤣 PS. I can't believe how fast you did it! Amazing!
so ghosts can steal lambos and crash them into houses?
I may not play Phasmo anymore personally, but it's cool to see it still get updates and you to keep testing for hard data. Really like how the ghost is now able to hear you in more contexts – for a while after you found out they were deaf 90% of the time, it seemed a lot of the fear of the unknown disappeared from the game for me. Now you still have a reason to take it seriously 🙂
Use the parabolic mic in a contract please
BETA is bugged. Ghosts will get you in places they normally should not – not fun!
Lol, the thumbnail is alway get me. I like his cut, P!
Thank you for telling me I need to switch to the beta branch. I hyped the new patch to a friend and when we played it was still the old version 😭
I really don't like the patches. Making it harder doesn't mean that you are giving us innovations. That is the same shit in a diffirent color. Developer didn't give us even new ghost models. We need new ghost types, new models of hunters and ghosts, New small maps, new tools and most importantly new game modes like sometimes ghost could be friendly or neutral or sometimes mission could be false alarm and we could pick ''there is no ghost'' choice but developer always making the game hard to play and he is counting it as improvement. Lastly, making the hunts harder doesn't make the game scarier. It is just force to us to play faster so we don't have a hunt 'cause there is slightly chance to run away so it makes the game boring.
Glad they made this change because this game was extremely dull before. I mean….you are brisk walking faster than majority of the ghosts in majority of the matches. I wouldn't even mind having the ability to have a short sprint option that causes some sort of exhaustion that makes you walk X% slower than normal for X amount of time only because the walking around 100% of the time just feels…meh lol
I’m confused is this from the March update????
My man, you're underrated xD
Can you do a theory of how we die in phasmophobia? The animation seems like we're choking, but I feel like there's something deeper than that.
These changes are amazing, but i can't believe dk nerfed ears 🙁