6 NEW Features for Phasmophobia And How They AFFECT GAMEPLAY

A new Beta patch for Phasmophobia released bringing some great new features. In this video I will show you the major changes and how they will affect gameplay.

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30 thoughts on “6 NEW Features for Phasmophobia And How They AFFECT GAMEPLAY”

  1. So are we positive it only blocks two? I was playing and saw both broken states, but then it also disappeared. Is that perhaps a bug? Or an intended effect?

    Side note, I know it used to block two, but it might block three now.

  2. I quite like the way the crucifix is. You walk around looking for the bone or something and you look back and 'OH SHIT THE CRUCIFIX IS GONE!' Not knowing how many charges it has left made it a bit scarier

  3. I thought the crucifix had to be on the ground of the ghosts spawn point to use a crucifix charge, did they change it to where you can hold it in the spawn room now?

  4. With the opening doors and updated tracking behavior the game has increasingly gotten more and more difficult. I haven’t played in a while but it almost seems impossible to hide from them once they see you

  5. The visual on the crucifix is an excellent idea. However I think it's a bit weird how it shows it is used one time. Actually if the crucifix has a broken part, it shouldn't work 😅

  6. We survived several hunts but could never get the objective crossed off. All 4 were in the house the ghost was definitely hunting. I wonder if it had to see someone, chase someone, we all hide and then survive that hunt.

  7. Unless it's been already patched (which I assume it will), all you have to do is leave the parabolic mic on the floor turned on and it will catch the footsteps during the hunt.

  8. yeah that crucifix one.. i like the idea, but.. holding it and seeing it being used? … oh HELL no. XD
    yesterday we were at Edgefield, and we cut the game quite short… we went into the house, was about to go down to the basement to turn on the breaker, and as i opened the door, the f**king ball appeared in front of me, and was bouncing down the stairs. then i heard a HUUUSSSH, and a door was closed shut somewhere close while the lights flickered. as i ran out, i dropped the EMF and it didnt shut up for a long while. i never in my life left a house so quickly, lmfao. xD (it was a poltergeist which btw i guess correctly, randomly, lol.)

  9. I still think there needs to be more evidence finding. For example, we shouldn't even be given the ghost name. It should be our job to determine who the ghost is and how they died, similar to real ghost hunters.


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