Every time I watch phasmaphobia I hear the fantom scream of Markipliers hilarious death. For the longest time I thought Wade was using an audio clip of it just to mess with people 🤣. Sadly it's just synesthesia. But Wade should really make an audio clip to mess with people.
Always glad to hear some little blink tunes coming from you Wade. I remember you mentioned about going to a blink concert a long time ago but it wasn’t till you sang Hold On on one of your videos, which is a rare cut song that I was like “Oh you really are a blink fan.” So Obvious, Hold On, I Miss You and I think you sang All the Small Things once so I’m guessing you’re a Tom fan.
Hey Wade, are you going to do a Let's Play of "Mortuary Assistant"? I feel like that would be really good, because it requires the player to follow two layers of complex technical procedures, and going by your Phasmophobia plays, I feel like you would be a good fit for that.
I love how Wade sometimes uses his wugg voice
I'd never thought, I'd die alone. I laughed the loudest…
Bummer pat's in the video. Bad video
Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.
Charlie the unicorn!!!!!!
They finished the Charlie the unicorn series recently
You sing really good.
Every time I watch phasmaphobia I hear the fantom scream of Markipliers hilarious death. For the longest time I thought Wade was using an audio clip of it just to mess with people 🤣. Sadly it's just synesthesia. But Wade should really make an audio clip to mess with people.
“It has spoken! It has told us the way to Candy Mountain!”
Having Diablo flashbacks when Wade started the Deckard Cain voice. One of my favorite characters, it wasn’t the same when they killed him.
Wade makes that so funny!!!
Yess!!! Thank you for more Phasmophobia!
Always glad to hear some little blink tunes coming from you Wade. I remember you mentioned about going to a blink concert a long time ago but it wasn’t till you sang Hold On on one of your videos, which is a rare cut song that I was like “Oh you really are a blink fan.” So Obvious, Hold On, I Miss You and I think you sang All the Small Things once so I’m guessing you’re a Tom fan.
These videos have terrible editing… you need to fix that
dude ive not wathced one of his videos in years its werid seeing youtubers older when you havnt watched them in forever
I LOVE Benk 12
I love when you sing Blink songs! Keep those coming Wade!
Also when did the flashlights stop flickering during hunts?
Let's go to Candy Mountain Charlie!
Confirmed Wade is campfire guitar guy
4:20 I like how Wade mentions how old Charlie the Unicorn is, but it the series finally finished earlier this year.
I’m new here hi who was he playing with?
I 'member berries the magical liopleurodon Charlie! Let's go to candy mountain!
the man whispering ghost is so scary sounding
You should play fnaf gmod cuz that shit was funny
Hey Wade, are you going to do a Let's Play of "Mortuary Assistant"? I feel like that would be really good, because it requires the player to follow two layers of complex technical procedures, and going by your Phasmophobia plays, I feel like you would be a good fit for that.
That was a good haunting start for Wade, seeing the ghost come through the room.
Charlie the Unicorn!!!! I still reference the Liopleurodon and make the sounds XD
Charlie the unicorn!