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31 thoughts on “A BEE-LINE IN THE BASEMENT | Phasmophobia”

  1. Every time I watch phasmaphobia I hear the fantom scream of Markipliers hilarious death. For the longest time I thought Wade was using an audio clip of it just to mess with people 🤣. Sadly it's just synesthesia. But Wade should really make an audio clip to mess with people.

  2. Always glad to hear some little blink tunes coming from you Wade. I remember you mentioned about going to a blink concert a long time ago but it wasn’t till you sang Hold On on one of your videos, which is a rare cut song that I was like “Oh you really are a blink fan.” So Obvious, Hold On, I Miss You and I think you sang All the Small Things once so I’m guessing you’re a Tom fan.

  3. Hey Wade, are you going to do a Let's Play of "Mortuary Assistant"? I feel like that would be really good, because it requires the player to follow two layers of complex technical procedures, and going by your Phasmophobia plays, I feel like you would be a good fit for that.


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