A Sneak Peek At The NEW BLEASDALE | Phasmophobia Dev Preview #18

In this Phasmophobia video, we get a sneak peek at the Bleasdale rework! That is not the only thing we get to see in the Developer Preview #18. Kinetic also teased some major changes, including a complete overhaul of the contract system, a brand new Media section in the Journal, and the addition of the Sound Recorder to help capture paranormal activity.

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41 thoughts on “A Sneak Peek At The NEW BLEASDALE | Phasmophobia Dev Preview #18”

  1. Oh, this is great news about the new media tab. It does seem easy and cheesy taking 9 photos of stepped in salt to be fair.

    Unique evidence like pictures, Ghost walking though salt, UV, D.O.T.S, interactions, pictures of the ghost & bone, etc. Makes a perfect game a little more illusive!

    The sound recorder seems like a fun little addition, too. It would be funny recording a hunt and hearing your friends screaming in terror 😅

    Thanks for the update, Flash!

  2. Fairly new player who started with the console release, it's awesome to see more features and revamps next year.
    From my understanding players aren't really happy with the larger maps due to the time dedicated just finding the ghost room compared to smaller maps like the houses where you're more in danger of being haunted.
    I hope we get some future map reworks that could seperate places like the School or Prison into multiple sections.

  3. In my country, recording and storing peoples voices is something you need special permissions for, even if the people give permission. Its a matter of privacy covered by law. So if the devs decide to include player voices on recordings, I bet you cannot access the recordings when you leave the active map/location/contract. Or at least upon leaving the game session.

  4. Hope they let us delete more photos.
    Imagine you have ghost writing and 2 salts in one spot, take two photos and they both end up being salt…
    Or you try to take a ghost pick and it picks up a second firelight instead.

  5. Oh my god, from the moment I first read about the Bleasdale rework in one of the older notes at the beginning of the year and it said "Another bedroom has been converted into the wife's tea room, adorned with doilies, plates painted with cute animals and lots of pink." (yes, I searched it) I thought it will look like Umbridge's office from Harry Potter, now seeing this, it really resembles it and it just creeps me out and I love it at the same time

  6. I didn't think anything negative about phasmo… Until I saw all those copy and pasted wreaths everywhere 😂 clipping into everything lol wish we could get character customization, like they've been saying forever lol

  7. I'm just gonna say, it's a bit crazy we still don't have customization of outfits yet. The journal has been hinting of that for years and still nothing. It's not very important I just think it's funny.

  8. I'm very excited on how this update will be, knowing that they most likely will change up the whole economy system of the shop aswell if dupe photo's won't be worth as much anymore! I still do hope that its gonna have the 'Phasmophobia' feel and not feel like an entirely different game tho


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