Accidentally Outplaying a REVENANT – LVL 2210 Phasmophobia

THAT WAS SO LUCKY. I cannot believe I survived that hunt. I was almost going to loop a revenant… Guess I’m just that good ;P I love Phasmophobia and these moments are what make it a masterpiece! Hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

I stream every day live at 19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST over on
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NOTE: this video was recorded on patch v0.25.9.5


42 thoughts on “Accidentally Outplaying a REVENANT – LVL 2210 Phasmophobia”

  1. We had a Revenant as the first ghost last night. After that it was 3 Phantoms, a Poltergeist, Spirit, 2 Banshees, 3 Demons, and a Mare.

    We bullied the Mare cause it was passive as all get out, and kept saying Attack but it never did anything. Then we had a Demon and my buddy Bismarck was trying to sell it a Holy Bible, a Crucifix, did the Lord's Prayer (it hissed at him at the end), and then proceeded to sing Hellfire as it yelled 'Attack', 'Catch', 'Death' at him. At the end of the first stanza, it showed its shadow form. It was so funny.

  2. 7:37 POV: Convincing your dumb*ss bully to stick his fork into the school toaster

    Oh, and on the topic of the perfect game as you're hunting for it right now, I find the RNG extremely unfavorable. After your stream yesterday, I went on a solo Tanglewood and got a foyer ghost who fingerprinted the doors, closets, and switches + got the board and bone, but I still only got $30. 🙁 Happen to know any further tricks to increase the chance to get that 40?

  3. Why did you cut most of it out? 🙁 I love watching the in between time as well, and you live in Europe so I cannot watch your stream because I live in the U.S. and when you stream, I’m in school. I hope you can reupload this so I can enjoy the whole thing

  4. Day #20! Had a much better day today, and some well needed rest. Got to play some Papers, Please which is one of those games I just love, and some phasmo with friends! I’m hoping tomorrow is the day I come into stream! Hope you’re having a lovely day Insym!

  5. Day 41 of 2021 appreciating Insym's daily uploads !!
    1:09 man I'm surprised this sort of thing hasn't happened where you're thanking donations / talking to chat to be suddenly greeted with a big spook.


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