We are determined to become professional ghost hunters in Phasmophobia.
*Disclaimer: This is a horror game and may not be suitable for all ages.
Phasmophobia “Cheat Sheet”
►Impulse’s wife has an Etsy store. You can check it out here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DesertMeadowsDesign
Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/impulseSV
Imp & Skizz: https://www.youtube.com/impandskizz
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/impulseSV
Instagram: https://instagram.com/impulsesv_yt
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@impulsesv_yt
Website: https://impulsesv.com/
I'm 3/19/1988 so that makes me 35
Re: Lifeseries merch, since it came up in the stream. I'm hoping for the next Lifeseries to beg for slimfit tees! I can't make space for more hoodies in my life, and I tend not to wear normal fit tees. Please make some slimfits! I would buy the heck out of those!
Gem and Skizz really did not seem into playing this day. Kinda made for a boring watch. I usually really enjoy watching these. I'm missing the OG GiGS.
Funny you and skizzle joked about nursing homes, I’m starting my job in one today! 😀
4:44 don't think dots
Wouldn't it be funny whenever Grian isnt in the phasmo party you remove all G's in the title because there's no G
28:16 how is Gem such a mood- I'm doing the same thing
"HE CALLED YOU THE BAD WORD HE CALLED YOU THE BAD WORD" from Gem killed me lol. You guys were in quite the mood this session, huh?
According to the information I found, Gen X (Latchkey Kids 1966-1979), Gen Y (Millenials 1980-1994), Gen Z (Gen Next 1995-2016)
As a 1997 child, I definitely relate more to Millennials than I do gen z. I think 1997-2000 is what they call the Gap generation and kinda vibe with the older gen, vs the younger.
I vividly remember VCRs and cassette tapes and a lot of '90s' and early 2000s trends, though because im chronically online, my slang is almost exclusively vine and tiktok references lol
I will say there is no true age limit to poke fun at those older or younger than you. my best friend was born just a few months after me and i call him a fetus haha he also makes the nursing home jokes towards me
Anymore lethal company in the future? I oddly have been rewatching those videos lol
I wanted to ask you impulse if the thing that says is this easy mode is that from gaige from Borderlands 2
Skizz’s “So I want to crush them up and put them in the applesauce was surprisingly hilarious 1:08
I made chicken tacos and now I'm going to paint some models after cleaning up.
I almost prefer these streams to the hermitcraft ones.
Please do mpre lethal company its good when you stick to it
There should have been skiz gold digger jokes XD
I think it's funny how everyone I've seen playing this game uses the Celsius side of the thermometer, even when they're American
Remember wben skizz used to screem and run out the door when spirit box spoke back? Now he screems at other people to leave the room hoping for a response lol its amazing
Always love Impulse's phasmo streams. I got this game because of these streams
Skizz: gets Gem caught by the ghost.
Gem from the afterlife: un-polties your pile.
“I’m drinking wine and watching your stream, it’s way better than being in the house and being scared” 😂
When you see the ghosts jaws and there's more jaws inside that's a Moray~
41:31 an expensive dots machine
51:35 human tripod
1:07:09 nursing villa fr
1:17:22 moment of realization that its a polty LOL
1:21:02 GASP
1:49:55 well.
Hilarious xD Loving the Phasmo!
Not a horror game but I'd like to see the entire gigs crew play ARK. It's similar to minecraft in It's sandbox survival genre and is really fun with large groups of people.
what is the birthday sound from?
49:00 I almost laughed at his face about accidentally taking a picture rather than turning the breaker on, didn’t even think of interaction with the breaker as a pic!
😂 I love the first thing that gem says is that you're straight up just going to a nurse home like wow.
Oh was she going to kill sizz when she got back to the lobby.
And that's a poltergeist because that was an explosion in front of you at 1:17:23.
Hey can you guys give the where are you I'm so sorry loud as can be in the game a break just for a while It's getting a little annoying.
I know gem has her own way of playing the game but if she's got the item use it don't just hand it off to someone else an expect them to use that item or do that task for her, I mean she's been playing for a while now and should have gotten used to the scary stuff and I get that she is contributing by bringing stuff in but that's just not enough to experience the game the way the others do.
And then one more thing she just can't continue to guess in games and get things right that goes for real life as well you can't guess and get something right all the time.
😱2:37:49 The plot armor was holding out when you were behind that crib, last time you died.
I have to say you guys knew that it would hunt right after doing the summing circle so I don't know why you guys stuck around to look in your journal.
👍😁Good I'm proud that she experienced a cursed hunts and survived, but I also like when she doesn't survive because she also experiences that side of the game.
FYI I'm not bashing on her.
I love how impulse you're trying to make it to the kitchen all sudden the hunt starts and you run past sizz and you say run very quietly and he's just standing there like wait what's going on and then he realizes it😆.
🤣That scream felt like a reference from Ghostbusters where the train goes right through what's his name sorry don't remember his name haven't seen the movie in a while.
You guys need to force Gem to watch "The Prince's Bride" greatest movie of all time…fighting, fencing, romance, true love. It has it all.
Can anyone explain what the little kid is saying in the birthday sound clip that they play on streams? I've been watching awhile now, and I know it has personal meaning to them, but I can't for the life of me make out what is being said! 😅
1:21:05 for all the skizz non pg moments out there
Yknow, I’m not even sure my dad, who’s 40 and loves quoting things and mentioning movies and shows, would know of some of the things Skizz mentions. Like when he was asking Gem if she knows if things, I’ve never heard my dad mention them so maybe Skizz REALLY likes movies more than most lol
Gen Xer here. Not much to say on this side of the generation gap. We had to suffer through bellbottoms though.
Demon achievement is easy if you remember to immediately run in and around the house with a crucifix in your hand. Run insane games and a timer, after a minute go on about your round… If it IS a demon, running around with a crucifix will anger it provoking a hunt…
Impulsesv you need to as Gem if she heard about the escape kangaroo in Canada the beat up the guards .
Aussie here who loves hermitcraft , life series and your gigs crew
Impulse: We should go back to the older brother and sister vibes instead of the dad stuff
Mumbo be like: This is gonna spawn all sorts of fan fiction
Side note: These guys' luck was INSANE this VOD! They got the poultie-plosion right after they discussed about its achievement!
I want one more TAG in the back for #impulseSV2 too…
47:00 I’ll say that definitely looked like dots but that guy was zoomin
I wonder if the reason why it zoomed was cause it glitched out for Impulse? He had a camera on his head so maybe the game thought he was looking through it, before realized “oh crap that’s not a camera” and tried to get the ghost out of there as fast as it could?