Actually Kind of Terrifying | Phasmophobia #shorts

This was one of those random normal ghost events that actually kinda scared me. I’d guess it was mostly because I was trying to get sounds on the parabolic microphone and because of that, I was listening for whispers or something along that line. Instead, I got the ghost appearing and moaning and walking right toward me… all huddled in the corner of the hall. It’s one of those times that it just catches you off guard.

#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame


10 thoughts on “Actually Kind of Terrifying | Phasmophobia #shorts”

  1. it's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICEit's not a mistake,✨IT'S A MASTERPICE


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