Phasmophobia’s dev team have teased a new item, the Musicbox. It has, on it’s lid, a very simple score for a piece called ‘Adrift’, and apparently composed by one of the dev team. I do not own copyright for that work, but these renderings are my own work. Copyright for the original score, I believe, will sit with Kinetic Games.
This first half of this video is a simple transcription of that score. The only thing I’ve changed is to assume that the double-bar at the end is intended to signify a repeat, as otherwise the trailing ‘C’ anacrusis makes little sense.
The second half of the video is a slightly modified version of the same, because once I was playing with it, I wanted to 🙂 My changes are very minor: I’ve filled out the harmony rather than implying it; some very minor rhythmic changes that (to me) flow more consistently in the generally ‘washy’/reverby sound of the music box voice I was using; I’ve increased the tempo from 80bpm to 85bpm; I’ve added an ending so that the repeat doesn’t leave a trailing anacrusis and the piece gets chance to resolve in its home key.
I’ve shown the second version here playing back against a score for the original, purely because I added some octave doubling and other voicing tweaks that made it more difficult to read. If anyone’s interested in my version (and can show me they’ve cleared it with the copyright owner of the original work :P) I’ll share those.
There’s of course every chance that when the musicbox ships it won’t play this at all…. 🙂
It sounds both dark and comforting at the same time.
Like your childhood home, at night, no lights on, no one inside the house, but you still can't help but feel safe despite what would otherwise be a creepy or terrifying situation. The only sound you hear is the clock in the hallway ticking away. Warm, dark and comforting…
This is so pretty 😍😍😍
hey it sounds the same just slower
This could fit perfectly in a night/ship area from Fable-like RPG or Trine
it reminds me of davy jones crying scene from pirates of caribbean, there was a music box playing at the scene.
Second vers is not accurate.
Very lovely :>
Could I do a 30 minute version of the first vers? I am personally in loved with it! And yes, I don't do these type of videos but this one got me the motivation to do it. I will surely credit you!
this makes me want to feel comforted
Deadly and sadly song
I learned how to play the top part on piano
it reminds me of a slowed down version of
Get isnym to learn piano
It's Dm Right?
The second version makes me want to cry but then again most music boxes do that to me for some reason.. yet they are all over my room :^