So we finally figured out there are walkie talkies…
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Prod nice job man Not a scared BOY! MY LITTLE MAN!
Love your vids Prod, over.
So, did the ghost come over? Over.
Only thing that's gonna suck for that game is when you find out what all the ghosts are and what they do
Prod – be quiet
Fighter – wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze
Yes, thanks, Prod!
Prod do you know who super is? Sound so much alike.i think you are the same psrson.
I really enjoy you collabing with other souls youtubers, it's so weird seeing you all playing something not souls related, but it shows you are all capable of making great content outside of souls. Plus you're all funny as hell lol
Over doesn’t sound like a word anymore
I don't usually follow the streams so when I noticed the little Doll emoji in the bottom right my fucking heart melted
Holy shit I lost it at fighters death when Prod was being quiet lmao
When you tried stealin the tv it looked like you were tea bagging the ghosts stuff like "lol you died"
That last bit was a little "over" done, wouldn't you say?
As a primary console player, I'm honestly confused why you use a controller for this game
Yesss more of this thank you prod ily
Please want so much more of this game!
O v e r c e p t i o n
Should be called "TEAM OF IDIOT'S GET KILLED BY DIFFERENT NAMES DEMONS!" really do enjoy the content by the way!
Gold content
You’re supposed to close the door and stop moving once the haunting begins….lol
All I hear is fighter tryin not laugh. It’s hilarious
Why do smudge sticks look like the fattest juiciest dumptruck filled blunts
I‘m sad that it‘s over. Over.
I don't think you're supposed to fight the ghost but yeah-
You should always start with a thermometer, walk around the place, and find out where exactly the temperature drop. (For example 19 deg to 9-12 deg)
When you found it, THAT is where the ghost is haunting the place. Drop a crucifix there to prevent the ghost from materializing. ONLY THEN you should carry the rest of your gadgets (spirit box, book, UV light, camera, etc.) to look for evidence.
hey i really like this type of video, really cool man.
Moooorrrreeeeee plz
I love how Fighter in these vids is the opposite of his Dark Souls vids. He goes from owning in those to constantly being quickly troll killed by the ghost here.
When the light starts blinking it means the ghost is hunting and you have to turn off your flashlight and if you have a spiritbox in hand you have to turn it off