The rock starts to believe !
Sauce clip :
【PHASMOPHOBIA COLLAB】Advent Ghost Hunters At Your Service!
【PHASMO】Have no fear, Advent is here! ⚠️🎼
Please suscribe to the talent(s) if you havent already :
[Kiseki Bijou’s Channel]
[Nerissa’s channel]
[Fuwamoco’s channel]
[shiorin’s channel]
#Hololive #HoloID #holoadvent
Sugar is crystal, Bijou sugar mommy checks out
Bilbo is carrying😂😂
Biboo having 15k already put advents into an adventage
This is why Kaela Senpai really wants Rock Sugar Biboo material
'Approach rich people if you want to be rich'
Kaela is Bijou's Papa-Katsu 😅
Kaela really good at handling Kusogakis
unlock new title for Bijou : Kaela-shin's messenger ✓
Kaela has already taken Biboo under her wing for the grind. But it's because of her efforts that she has enough money to buy things for everyone, very wholesome
Collab ban ended when?
If Bibou is their sugarmama, and Kaela is her sugarmama. Isn't it means Kaela is a sugargranny for advent members (except Bibou)?
Kaela effect is real🗿⛏️
I really love both of them
Biboo confirms become the next NPC 😅
When peebles forged i to diamonds by smith its always become more valueable and hightly price..
i wonder how mental health of bijou right now
calli will "yeet" her also kaela as sempai as it is will brake bijou door and hold her hostage just for grind game
She just look like rich kid who's flexing her mommy's bento when the other just living as kotaro (kotaro lives alone)
Suggar rock yes we have that kind of sugar here
Biboo: Playing with a certain senpai makes me more glossy
Ela becoming Bibou's sugar mommy so she'll get addicted and grind more. All according to keikaku xD
So Mumei and bijou are sister? Naruhodo
Biboo was forged by Kaela very well
Of course she is
– Ollie
in the past Kaela successfully raised an owl, and now kaela successfully raise a rock,… she's not just the npc anymore, she's the rich mommy
0:13 relate af
Bijou truly is a gamer and I find her a very welcome addition to Hololive EN because of that ^^
will biboo be the next NPC?? descending from Moona > Ollie > Kaela ?? or just be the shrine maiden and spoiled gaki like gumba, mooms, and okayu 👀
Imagine being so powerful, you use the paranormal to grind for money.
Kaela found a new victim, sasuga Elagator
Their collab name probably shouldn’t be BlackRock
Well its the blacksmith's job to polish the stone !
Kaela : I polished that Rock
I wonder if this rock will become the next NPC desciple from the prophecy.
Kaela raising student here
Damn…. She mine her like she's mine those rock