Aggressive Bleasdale Attic Ghost vs Professional Team – Phasmophobia [LVL 3378]

Bleasdale attic ghosts are notoriously hard ghosts in Phasmophobia. I love the challenge! This time I was with a full team, we didn’t leave as a full team though, that’s for sure. Bleasdale attic ghosts are nothing to laugh at! Hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch


39 thoughts on “Aggressive Bleasdale Attic Ghost vs Professional Team – Phasmophobia [LVL 3378]”

  1. We need more NonHeadphonesSym!! Also, I really love attic ghosts for its difficult time for finding evidences because its a wide room to look for orbs, fingies, find the sweeet spot of the writing.

  2. We're all very impressed with the fact that you have memorized the maps and can navigate wherever you want to go in the dark with just a beer can. Okay? REALLY impressed. So, now, can you use your flashlight or house lights so we can see?

  3. Oh my lord, I need to catch up on your videos! I couldn’t watch yesterday properly because of lots of Spring cleaning! I’m sore today and being lazy in bed right now, so it’s the perfect time to watch! Lol

  4. I remember in a game of bleasdale I was in we kept getting chain-hunted and we were stuck in the attic as the ghost was a on the 2nd floor. eventually we said "enough hiding behind this barrel lets run!"

  5. Challenge idea: the low battery challenge.
    You can use electronic items only for 1-2 seconds, then you will have to go back to the truck to "change" batteries for the item you just used, or if you want to make it even harder – you wont be able to replace batteries.

  6. Hi insym Hope your having a good day also everyone subscribe to him he teaches you stuff and hes really funny please help him get more subs and more views on twitch he deserves it honestly and if you dont want notifications turn it off and u can go to your subscriptions and click his channel and watch his most recent video whenever.❤💙💚💛💜🖤

  7. so this is the best guy at this game, and there are millions of ppl who watch and play it, so why tf does this guy not have that many views, if youve seen igp, his phasmophobia content is funny af, n he gets millions of views, so why doesnt insym

  8. In my opinion attic is the scariest place in house (next to basement) without any ghosts. Spiders, spiderwebs, and old unused stuff, that just looks to catch you and take you soul. Or maybe its my imagination😂

  9. Like or dislike the video no cap you are the most humble person and actually care about what people think, hasnt been a video i havent enjoyed thank you very much for streaming/uploading stay amazing 🤘🏻🤘🏻

  10. Are ghosts spawning downstairs away from their rooms a bug for them or is it a programmed thing in the game? Im asking because its happened to me before i was so confused as to why it was downstairs vs upstairs where it originally spawned.


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