Welcome to my first experience with the Cursed Possessions update and each of the cursed items themselves. This includes the summoning circle, music box, new ouija board, new voodoo doll, haunted mirror, and tarot card deck.
This video also contains a few of the new festive surprises, enjoy!
I don't get how to use the voodoo doll? You just click on it and it shakes?
the update is unplayable anyway
I'm guessing all tarot cards turn to the fool when you pull cards during hunts?
Nuzz looking for Santa hats is the most wholesome thing ever
Speaking of… Where's Bella's Santa hat???
Fun Fact – The writing around the summoning circle says "sacrifice your sanity" !
bru you got soooo lucky with the hang man fool
for anyone who doesn’t know yet, hanged man is insta kill, you die on the spot but fool uses the previous cards effect
This update is awesome!!!
What Tarot cards do:
The hanged man: Insta death
Wheel: raises or depletes sanity by 25%
Death: instant hunt
The fool: I’m unsure
Moon: lowers sanity to 0
Sun: raises sanity to 100
Hermit: smudges the ghost (not in hunts I believe)
Priests: revives one of your dead teammates
The tower: Force an interaction off of the ghost
The Devil: Forces an event from the ghost
I did the summoning circle it did a hunt straight away and killed 2 people.
I think the new louiga board can curse you so you can’t pick up items now because it happened to is multiple times
Question Nuzzgard, how many cursed item will be in the house in each contract?
I saw you could place the music box so what if she hunting could you place it behind you to attract the ghost there and you can escape a different way
To those who feel as if your hunts are lasting longer after starting one via a cursed item, you'd be correct!
Every item, when broken and/or used up, will cause a "Cursed Hunt," which only has a 1 second grace period compared to the normal length of time. That hunt, as well as all hunts after that, will be longer than normal as well, so be careful!
They broke multiplayer with this patch. Now it’s okay with trolls who look for the item and then activate to kill you and leave the game. I’m done until it’s removed.
Tell me he finds his easter egg
I haven’t played this game in forever, and the fact your character needs to be able to sprint that fast scares the crap out of me.
I wouldn't call that Santa more like Krampus
The fact how you got 2 hanged man and got the fool is super lucky!
3:02–3:42 holy that was insane
Equipment idea:
Angel Blade
-can buy it at level 150
-only 1 per mission
-only 1 use
-kills ghost if it's a demon
-can only be used to kill the demon during a hunt/event/summoning circle
-Costs 2000$ (gotta balance it somehow)
I love the updated Ouija Board, just having it so you have to say “Goodbye” adds a lot
Omg you got so lucky there, getting TWO hanged man insta death cards during hunts so they changed into the fool 💀
I played the music box, and the ghost just killed me right then and there. Must've been on top of me.
such a good video, I really liked it
people who mute their mic on hunt are the worst
That spirit box has been in the lobby for months
But what happens if you light the summoning circle during an active hunt?
You had the luckiest draw of the cards there, you got like 3 hangman that changed. You would have been game over 3 times if it not had changed. Amazing.
Merry Christmas!
you can take a picture as it on fire as a photo
love the contend nuzz! 🙂
I like how when Nuzz said hide and seek you can see that he was confused when the ouija board said 5 but before it said four you can see in his eyes that he noticed it was a fucking count down
merry christmas!!!!
feliz navidad
I was playing about half an our ago, and saw a tarot card. But to me it looked like a broken phone so I left it alone 😭😭😭
For those that are extremely confused and don't know how to use the cursed items here is a quick recap (Not really lol):
1. The Music Box
If you get too close to the ghost when utilizing the Music Box, it will trigger a cursed hunt. The Music Box lid will slam abruptly shut and you'll have to run and find a hiding place. It is also worth noting that, like the rest of the newly-introduced Cursed Possessions, the Music Box will drain your sanity massively for as long as you can hear the music.
2. The Tortured Voodoo Doll
There is a risk when using the Tortured Voodoo Doll as the randomly sinking Heart Pin will trigger a cursed ghost hunt. Each Pin you use takes away ten percent of your sanity and if you have less than this and try to use the Tortured Voodoo Doll, all of the pins will be sucked in and a cursed hunt will trigger automatically.
3. The Haunted Mirror
It is important to reiterate that the Haunted Mirror shows the location of the ghost orb in the ghost room and not the location of the ghost, as the ghost can move around. This object also has a massive effect on your sanity, as you will lose -7.5 sanity per second you use it. When you deplete all of your sanity, the mirror itself will break and a cursed hunt will be triggered.
4. The Summoning Circle
Taking pictures that are good quality results in a higher star rating, meaning you and get more points and, ultimately, more money. When all five candles on the circle are lit with a lighter, the ghost will be summoned. This is a one-use item. You must be careful, however, as after a few seconds the ghost will break free and a cursed hunt will follow. According to CJ, a developer, using the Summoning Circle should also deplete your sanity by a massive 80 percent.
5. Tarot Cards
There are a total of ten cards to draw, however, there are both positive and negative cards, with one even meaning that you die on the spot. You won't know the card's effect until it has been drawn and you are unable to stop the effects once it has been. With brilliant graphic design accompanying them, these cards are meant to be used with great amounts of caution.
– The Fool: A joke card which briefly shows you a bad card, only to disappear into 'The Fool' (To put it simply, once The Fool appears after the disintegrated card you just pulled out, the card becomes invalid and nothing will happen).
– The High Priestess: A random dead teammate will be revived.
– The Hermit: Similar to smudge sticks, the ghost is prevented from roaming or hunting for a brief period.
– The Wheel of Fortune: If the card burns green, players will gain an additional 25 percent sanity, however, if it burns red they will lose 25 percent sanity.
– The Hanged Man: The player who draws the card will die immediately.
– Death: This will trigger a ghost hunt.
– The Devil: A ghost event is triggered.
– The Tower: This will trigger ghost activity to occur.
– The Moon: Fully depletes sanity to zero.
– The Sun: Fully increases sanity to 100 percent.
6. The Reworked Ouija Board
The Ouija Board has had a rework and has become one of the game's Cursed Possessions. Along with a new design, players are now able to ask ghosts more questions, such as the location of the bone. Although asking questions can give great insight into the ghost type, it should be noted that each question depletes your sanity. There is now also the chance that you can break the Ouija Board, triggering a cursed hunt. Before walking away from the Ouija Board, you must state 'Goodbye' for the board to stay intact. Additionally, the phrase 'Hide and Seek' will trigger a countdown on the board, at the end of which is a cursed hunt and a broken board.
played for 3 hours and didnt find any;(
I dont wanna get phasmophobia now 😰
Im scared when nuzz use the muzic box😟
The tower forces an interaction from the ghosts as far as I know