ALL the NEW Tier 2 Items in Phasmophobia EXPLAINED!

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we are going to cover all of the new tier 2 items in Phasmophobia! Some of these you will be familiar with as they are similar to the items before the update, but some have been changed drastically and others are new entirely! ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9


40 thoughts on “ALL the NEW Tier 2 Items in Phasmophobia EXPLAINED!”

  1. When you unlock all tier 3 items, ask one of your viewers/mods/friends to bring all tier 1 and another to bring all tier 2 and compare them ingame for a separate video, I bet it would be very helpful!

  2. an hot take or something. the big range of the crucifix. just put the crucific in a bad sppot where it could hunt if it was a normal ghost but just enough for a demon not to hunt? atleast not likely. like put it in a dif room or in the hallway something like that could resolve that problem. just try to work around the problem instead of directly changing it. 1:37:00 and then u can also put it in a good spot where u would be safe ( i love watching the game, but im too much of a pssy to play alone im a loner as a gamer 🙁 )

  3. I think the thermo depends on how you want to use it, the higher grade ones are better for speed runs where you need to find out if it's freezing quicker. but just for finding the ghost/room and don't mind waiting for freezing, yeah the tier 1 is better

  4. Majority of the tier 1 items are significantly worse, including the thermometer mainly in retrospect to what difficulty you're playing on. If you're an ameture or intermediate player pin against the timer in which a ghost can hunt, especially on an medium size map or bigger, all of the tier one items will make an ameture player significantly more likely to lose time and unable to identify the ghost even if the ghost is literally at entrance of the map, where the tier 2s will do much better in the same scenario except the glowsticks should've been tier 2. Only advantage is with the uv light you can just aim it. You don't have to be on top of a fingerprint that has shown up way across the room on a window in a corner where you could be trapped and caught off guard by a hunt using a glowsticks and stuck in a really bad spot cause have to be almost on top of whatever you're trying to reveal

  5. I think letting us upgrade(what I mean is like upgrade how long we have to wait for the thermo like that)our equipment would be good so for example your Hella rich but you got everything and you like the t2 of an item instead of t3 but you don't like a part of it(example salt amount)you can use your money to upgrade it like an example is you don't have enough moneybfor t3 but you have a bunch of money left over so you can upgrade thermo like that but idk

  6. Is the photo for dirty water bugged like level 2 ghost book? Cause i can only take 1 interaction photo the second photo for dirty water is not recognized. But sometimes, if the tap was opened long before i found it, i can take a dirty water photo.

  7. I don’t know what is wrong with your game, Insym, but me and my friend are not having are game freeze at all. Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall the game if you haven’t yet.

  8. They need to increase the range for the photo camera to get a tier 3 photo for higher grade camera like Tier 3 camera should be able to do twice the distance of a tier 1 and tier 2 in between that.

  9. 38:55 some thermometers (I have one) take like a second or two to load the temperature. I would imagine the t3 being like yours: click to turn it on, instant reading, or like the old thermo, where it constantly reads.

    Edit: 50:39 My friend is a truck-dweller, and our "camera guy." He goes in to place the motion sensors, sound sensors, and video cams, we put on head cams, and then he'd watch from the truck and report whatever he sees. He would tell us our sanity, whenever we have an activity spike, if we have orbs, etc. Without him, half of our missions would have failed, due to a number of various circumstances.

  10. Insym, the Paramic is not hearing aid cone from WW1, it's an electronic digital device capable of filtering sounds, e.g. the ceiling fan. When you "turn it on", player character effectively puts on a noise cancelling headset. Similar to night vision goggles, the interpretted value (sound or image/light) is never going to be overpowering, deafening or blinding, which means that some sounds might be more loud without the paramic than with it, it's all about the volume settings on paramic and it's filtering capabilities.

  11. 1:34:28 I'd rather see tier2 and 3 items be more expensive than tier1. but after prestige2 all tier2 will be unlocked, and after prestige3 all tier3 will be unlocked. and only then you'll have to make a choice what tier items you're bringing to the mission.

  12. So before the update I only got to level 69 (noice). I’m already at 50 and I’m enjoying the game much much more. I’m not as good as insym at all but I okay professional for the first time today! I think I’m hooked to the harder difficulties. It’s so scary and so fun! Can’t wait to try professional alone. Definitely doing a tangle wood for that 😅

  13. The T1 photo cam isn't electronic. If you check the shop, you can see it's missing the Electronic tag that most other items have. For science, I stood in a closet with it out and the ghost didn't find me despite walking past me twice, and then when I turned on my flashlight, it instantly threw the doors open and grabbed me. So unless this was a bug, or changed since I ran this experiment at launch, then it definitely is not considered "Electronic" for gameplay purposes.

  14. Think I'm going to go back to the tier one thermo. You just waste so much time hunting lower temps with the tier two. When you literally just need a fraction of temp drop room to room to find the ghost the tier one is the only real choice.

  15. There is one very good thing with truck support/truck dwellers. atleast for my team. they pay for the equipment. so that we can risk our lives without losing anything if we die.


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