Almost Outplayed by Crawling Ghost – LVL 1144 Phasmophobia – No Evidence

This was a close call!! This run was very solid 😀 I enjoyed it a lot and it contains a bunch of educational points to take away! Hope you enjoy and learn something about Phasmophobia! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

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24 thoughts on “Almost Outplayed by Crawling Ghost – LVL 1144 Phasmophobia – No Evidence”

  1. Fave Color: Mustard Yellow
    Fave Ghost Type: Mare
    Fave Map: High School
    Map I'd like to see: Carnival/Amusement Park, Hospital and/or motel.
    Level: I reached level 111 last night 😀
    Fave Pokemon: none, tbh. I love them all
    Fave Horror Movie: Annihilation (2018)
    Fave Item: Spirit Box but sometimes it's buggy and the box isn't responding to me 🙁

    First Game I've ever played: Resident Evil 2 (PS1), my dad bought it for his 6 year old daughter lmao xD

  2. Someone already posted the pronunciation, but Japanese R/L isn't the same sound as we use in English. It's a kind of in between that you sorta half roll your tongue to make. You-ray is an easy way to get it.

  3. You made a small mistake when it comes to how you pronounce yurei in japanese. In Japanese, the R letter is actually pronounced like the letter L, so it would be pronounced "You lay" and not "You die" (typed it like that just to make the pronunciation clearer. You're welcome. Also, I forgot to sub, so yeah, take the extra sub. 😀

  4. 4:09 Funny story. I got hunted by a demon at 90% sanity during a solo game. When I returned to the truck post-hunt I was around 85 sanity. So even the sanity hunt threshold varies depending on some hidden conditions, I guess.

    I was gonna guess banshee because of the out-of-the-gate hunt but saw ghost writing on my way out of the house.

  5. Something I learned from another Youtuber that is relevant to your no evidence runs is that a Yurei will not drop your sanity any faster unless you are looking at them during a ghost event or within 20 meters of them during a hunt. Them lowering your sanity faster in any other situation is apparently myth.


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