Am I the ghost? – Phasmophobia

#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiagameplay #horrorgaming #videogames #gaming #funnygaming


10 thoughts on “Am I the ghost? – Phasmophobia”

  1. You spend your whole time trying to find the ghost, only to realize you've been dead this entire time. You don't remember how you were killed in your last encounter with the ghost back when you were still alive. But the reality sets in. You realize that you are now trapped in the afterlife, alone, as your friends return to the house to continue their investigation. Grief stricken and heartbroken from the realization, the fear, denial and sadness consume your heart. Your emotional response causes the electrical system to flicker as you begin your hunt. Now hunting the people you once called friends.

    Edit: typo.

  2. imagine being sent to identify a ghost type so another team can come in and perform its respective rites so it may move onto the afterlife. The ghost is angered by your presence and kills you. You then come back as a ghost. Its noise, noise, noise. Finally the sun sets and its peaceful. Then people come and go. All ignoring your pleas for help. Then one night you become angry and resentful. You lash out. And just as you land the killing blow you snap your victims neck killing them. Only to see that you have just killed yourself. Or rather your living self.


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