An extremely RARE ghost event | Phasmophobia

I stream on Twitch!

In this video I’ll be covering a rare form of ghost event in Phasmophobia. Have you seen this before? If not, keep an eye out for it!


34 thoughts on “An extremely RARE ghost event | Phasmophobia”

  1. I've seen this mist way quite often when I started in September up till the last few patches. Since then I have lower ghost activity in general. Strangely, I was the only one seeing this wisp form of the ghost. My brother didn't believe me about this and the giggles I heard.

  2. The first time I played I got one of those things flying right toward me and hissed in my ear. Got so scared I didn’t pick up the game again until a couple weeks later haha

  3. Can confirm here, this has been in the game for a very long time but it is indeed a bit rare, from my experience Polters, Demons and Spirits seem to do it more often than other ghosts. Speaking of Polters, have you ever seen their rare and unique, to them, ghost event where they literally throw "everything" in the room at once? (not everything gets thrown, it seems to be around 10 or so objects)

    PS: The mist cloud can be used to know where the ghost is when you need to clean the area with smudges, same with apparitions.

  4. my friend did this thing when he stood in the ghost room with a cam pointed at him. the ghost manifested many times, and a few times a large cloud of mist came to him. so yes! I can happily say I have seen this ghost event.

  5. I've seen this. To add to what it does, if it hits an object like a light switch or a door, the light turns on or off and the door opens or closes, in my experience with the misty cloud..

  6. I've definitely had this happen where we thought it was freezing temps before realising that it wasn't, then being confused.
    And yes I have seen this on cams too and it did make me think ghost orbs, but then seriously doubted it and wasted a lot of time trying to see another because it didn't look right.
    Of course another didn't happen, because there were no ghost orbs.

  7. I feel like I see it on prison map almost every single time I'm there, even on the cameras, but never anywhere else. I honestly thought it was a bug, but its cool to know that it can be a ghost event, especially if its a shy shy ghost


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