We somehow managed to find a new way to both annoy and get haunted by ghosts… steal their mugs!
| Phasmophobia Funny Moments Gameplay |
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❱ Timestamps:
0:00 – Asylum Antics
2:35 – Operation: M.U.G
4:06 – Stealing from the Dead
7:38 – The Locker Room Ghost
9:41 – Death Roulette
#Phasmophobia #SaltRaiders #srgroup
❱ Clip Credit:
❱ A Special Thank You to my Patrons!
Potet – Kaif – Khemri – Videogamer75 – Cascada – Fizzers – Cali – Alien Emoji – Torauth – Lt_Muttley – Sparkie – The_Confused_Viking – StevenCigar – TierBrech – Skeletor119 – Naxx – Outlaw – FenixFiver – Ultrasaturn – Musselman – Manicies – Huntter – Vesqr
❱ Music (Epidemic Sound – All royalty free):
Brain Spook – Mike Franklyn
Cow Walk – Experia
Spiegeltent – Luella Gren
Tiger Tracks – Lexica
(OUTRO) Rickety Man – Arthur Benson
You as bad as me at getting ghost just showing up next to you
Mugg boi
*mugg boi
Which one would you like daz?
I love how everytime I play on asylum it takes so goddamn long for me and my friends to even find the ghost even on proffessional and when we do it doesn’t attack,except for when it hints but the map is so bit that it can’t get to us in time haha
I've been playing this game for a while now and nothing has really made me jump more than Josh at 4:36 did.
Das is tied with glens content
I love how Stan always die first.Hahahaha
Objective: Collect Mugs
I was laughing the piss off when I watched it live
SR : is playing death roulette
Daz : gasp mug!
" Another fine addition to my collection "
No one:
Not even the people in the comments:
Sad you can't kill stan on pasmophobia… Or can you?
Achievement get for getting mugs out of the house.
And so the mug collection grows, giving the ghosts a chance to haunt the group further.😂
You don't actually have to turn of your flashlight on hunting phase. Hopefully this info helps.
I like how daz simultaneously scream, laugh, and wheeey. Now that the vids also have subtitles, ima sub.
They call him, the Mug Mugger
Hi Daz! Hope you're doing well. You're really funny when playing horror games and I actually love your laugh, lol. I would like to suggest a game you could play, it's called Araya. It's an indian horror game and it would be awesome to see you play it. Keep up the good work and keep safe! 😊
4:46 i bet the whole neighbourhood was by your door
Watch out ghosts, Daz will mug you.
the scariest part was when daz shouted guysss before he died
daz is cool
Daz here are some tips: never call out its name when asking a question it only counts as you saying its name;when its hunting go in a room close the door and don’t talk it hears you(also don’t flash ur light turn it off with F i think;don’t use emf,emf can me anywhere in the house use the thermometer; one of you should stay in the van and check cams activity and sanity so that his sanity doesn’t go down when you come back;if activity is at level 10 radio stops so don’t try to talk just wait for the van guy to tell you when it is over;if your sanity is below 50% it will start hunting way more often. hope this helps
ur fan
Achievement Made! "The Haunted Mugs Hunter"
Daz will you be playing Phasmophobia again some time?
Worst type of ghost is revanent, you have to be super prepared when it hunts. Demons are okay if you know an escape route.
You could say the ghost got mugged
I’ll leave
He said Mug!! It must define his entire personality!