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I love their channel
2 year day 30 of asking to get the other ending in Pacify on the farm
Can somebody remind me what happened to Snapple I kinda forgot
i’m so early
You are cool 😎
georgE iS a birch TREE
Best family gaming channel
I had a thought, that since it was in the twin bedroom, i thought that it could be the twins.
Hi guys I love your stuff and I just find you guys again
I miss the face cam
Love me some Phasmaphobia! Ty you guys! You have never fail to disappoint on any of your vids.! It was still hilarious! 😅 7:32 show me yourself foul demon" 😅 just funny! 😅 😊❤️
Hey Bere, Pixie, Tyler and Brianna. Bere, honestly you have got me through the toughest years of my life. In 2021, actually 12 days after you lost Pixie, my mother passed away from cancer. I never got to say goodbye it happened so fast, then my dad passed away in December of 2021 of depression over losing my mom… Your vids have helped so much. I'm 32, I've been watching since you were at less than 100k subs, actually my youngest got me into your vids. Me, him, my other 2 kids would watch and you were one of the first YouTube videos my mom watched! She loved Pixie! Sorry I'm tearing up, Im just damn grateful for you. Sorry for long winded message. Please NEVER change. You guys are my antidepressants. 💞