There have been so many AMAZING updates for Phasmophobia recently! This is another really promising patch! I love these changes! Let me know what you think about them in the comments below. Much love and see you during the stream!
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Patch notes for #phasmophobia version v0.24:
1. School & Prison: Fixed several lighting and performance issues with the last update.
2. Tanglewood: Fixed some kitchen cabinet doors that you could still use to glitch on top of the counter.
3. Fixed a bug where lights would flicker when the power was off.
4. Main Menu: Fixed the missing skybox.
1. The ghost will now search closer to the last known players location instead of searching far away when it has completely lost the player.
2. Improved how the ghost opens closet and locker doors.
3. The ghost will now open closet and locker doors slightly further.
4. Slightly increased the range of the equipment candle light. This will also fix issues where holding a candle would drop your sanity in some locations.
5. Removed the dirty water objective. It will still remain as extra photo evidence.
6. Lowered the rate the Thermometer updates it’s temperature from 1 second to 5 seconds.
7. Increased the temperatures variations that show on the Thermometer.
1. Added a button to add the max amount of each item so you don’t have to spam click each item.
not gona lie, i am happy that the thermometer got nerfed it was way too overpowered
edit: oh my first heart, thanks 😀
edit again: oh the edit removed the heart, shit
Did y'all see the ghost orb fly across the screen at 2:42? Over his head.
3:56 "Imagine walking around the asylum and having to wait at every door for five seconds." The whole point of nerfing the thermometer is to make the paramic actually useful. (IMO at least) This is a change I have been eager for. I think the paramic should be the tool used for the intital search, not the thermometer. The thermometer made it WAY too easy before.
Changes I would like to see
1 – Ghosts pull you back into the house when you step out to update your journal
2 – Lower sanity makes your vision blur and the house more active
3 – Ghosts possess your teammate temporarily
somebody know when patch will income?
what is this 4? It looks so weird…
update is pog rip counter glitch
I don't know if this has been addressed but vr players have the advantage of dropping to the floor in real life and the ghost cannot kill them. Takes away all tension when you can just lie down to avoid collision.
3 + 5 = 4 (Twitch viewers will understand)
Number 5 gang
I gotta start playing again, I quit due do a little frustration with glitches around christmas time.
Time to learn paramic, Insym. 0-5.5 is ambient. 6-8.5 is a ghost nearby. 9+ is a ghost room.
there's still dirty water
Oh god the thermometer… hopefully that doesnt make it too difficult. Any other ways to find the ghost room cos ive mainly used the Thermo
I’m excited for this patch!
No more waiting 30 minutes for the ghost to potentially make dirty water!
I love this, now the only thing they should fix is the ghost looping in big maps where you can just hold w for a minute
Add all items that is sick!
I think the Updates are good, accept for the 5 seconds thing, that is okay, but they should make it dymanic from 2 to 5 seconds, which depens on the size of the map. eg. Highschool 2,5 sec; Asylum 2 sec…
Greatings from Germany and see you at 19 o clock on twitch 🙂
The group I play in has one person who always stays in the truck, but also brings every single item in every time
That button looks like a godsend
Oh my god. Add all items is a god tier update. Got damn about time.
"This thermometer works too good"
Said no-one ever
The 4 in the thumbnail looks kinda off…..idk, hmm. Anyway, I'm excited for the new patch AND how the will continue in general!
The nerf was kinda needed
The thermometer is the most powerful tool for finding the ghost room quickly so a nerf is good. The nerf was updated to 3 seconds which I feel is fair. Hopefully this just means using other tools while searching could be an option.
when the beta updates come to steam?
Apparently thermo changed to 3, which is better than 5, which would have made some maps impossible.
I've played with the new thermometer and it's way too slow. I mean, it's fine if you're playing alone or with another person, but I was playing with a full team and two of them wouldn't shut up so I was never able to listen to the ghost.
They're breaking so much with the patches lately. Demons hunting at well above 70 average sanity. Killing people during the grace period with no heartbeat, no footstep, no groaning sound, just BLINK-BLINK-DEAD. A ghost spawning near the Ridgeview master bedroom when we're at the front door, and we run down to the basement lockers with no noise, I climb in the left one, it follows my buddy who climbs in the right after me, I hold it closed and it still kills me through the locker. Bones are often not spawning in at all. Spirit box and Ouija board not responding to my voice at all. One candle in particular out of the 4 we have lit goes out every 10 seconds while the others are still lit ages later. Had 1 ghost spawn and hunt on top of a Crucifix. Thermometer is often consistently showing the room next to the ghost room as the coldest room. Interaction pictures are often not working, same with footsteps. Hunts being aborted early is happening much more often. I'm sure there's more I've forgotten but so far it's not been as fun as I was hoping.
4:36 is it not just an auto clicker? xD
The thermo update is REEEEEALLY annoying, I didn't read the patch notes before, went to prison, got into a room, "Hey, it's 20 degrees, it's not here" and just as I was about to leave I saw just the teeniest whiff of my breath, so I stopped, was like wtf then turned back, BAM -4 degrees…
Wtf the thermometer is my fav 😭
1.5 seconds… 2 seconds… maybe even 3 seconds! But 5 seconds wtf?
Okay okay 5 seconds for the small houses but the bigger places should have a different refresh rate ijs
I think what they should do to thermo instead is make a maximum of 1 thermo available in a game, so only 1 person can use the thermo instead of y'know forcing you to stay 5 seconds for each room. or well you would not use the thermo for room detection as in checking each room, but rather listen for sounds (or use paramic) to find the way the ghost room is, then check only like a few 3 or 4 rooms around where the sound came from
i played last night and i got dirty water in the beta version…..
The thermometer taking 5 seconds was annoying, definitely seemed like a handicap. I found it more challenging, but my game mates legit thought it was a glitch. I think it was adjusted to 3 seconds shortly after though, because last night we were having a faster than 5 second timing on it. Idk.
This guy makes me think of old pewdipie
ooh je bent nederlands kom ik ook even achter
My phasmophobia will not update!!! I got it set to automatic and I'm still not gettimg new patches. Please help!!!!
so the thermo is no longer realistic, got it. BTW I have one of those IRL and they are pretty much instant.