Another HUGE Update for Phasmophobia – Patch Notes v0.27

Another Phasmophobia update so soon!? This one contains so many awesome changes! I absolutely love the photo quality change! This will make getting a perfect game actually skill based rather than just random. Other awesome changes include the new objectives and visual update for the crucifix.

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39 thoughts on “Another HUGE Update for Phasmophobia – Patch Notes v0.27”

  1. I guess you could just leave paramic on during a hunt on the floor…? That would be a bit cheap but hey you'd have to bring it in if it's like that, at least. (I hope it has to be held) Also the smudge stick one I also wonder something similar – do you just use the smudge during a hunt in general or do you use it to actually disorient the ghost? Because simply using it across the map would be silly and wasteful.
    For #17 I haven't seen the run you're talking about, but is this referring to ghosts that have a room temp below 3C but not under 0? I don't know if I've ever seen it NOT drop further, it's been a long while since I've actually played. I vicariously play through your videos nowadays. 🙂

  2. These new updates are amazing! Those hunting objective are gonna be a time on maps without lockers or closets especially if you have a revenant. Already figured out that the surviving hunt objective requires the ghost to actually see you…

  3. I just realized – for the photo distance money reward to work, the photo evidence based on distance and not a "priority system" would have to be the case. Sorry if I worded this weird. But anyway the sounds of a photo distance change worry me, I hope it isn't that strict. Some pieces of evidence are easy to get close up (like ghost writing), while others can be hard to get that close (ghost, objects moving, etc). Also presents the issue of having to choose whether or not to take an interaction photo (assuming no fingers/feet/ouija gaming) based on its distance instead of occurrence. So I'm interested to see how this works and how you'll play with these changes (and all the others).

  4. I was playing on this new bet apatch and i got an objective to smudge the ghost while it hunts another player! these are gonna be sooo fun I can't wait for another all maps all objectives run

  5. The Haptics thing would be crazy, just imagine walking in the asylum and then the ghost taps your shoulder or squeezes your leg. That would be terrifying!

  6. I hate that Insym is such a gamer that some horror games are automatically put in speedrun categories lol 😂 (I started watching insym after his WTTG speedruns and ever since I’ve hated him for how easy he makes games seem)

  7. Bro I saw this patch today. Me and my little sis played it together.

    I tried the candle stuff. It's a lot of fun, because if you go in with candle+lighter, you can keep lighting your candle when he puts it out. It's like paranormal whack-a-mole. IDK if it's intended, but the candle is SO OP! It literally allows you to sit in the ghost room and never lose sanity. Not even ghost events can drop your sanity!

    But unfortunately, half the new objectives are totally broken.
    Detect footsteps = broken.
    Drop to 25% sanity = broken (completes at the start of the game when everyone is 100% sanity)
    Escape hunt w/ no deaths = broken.
    Smudge ghost during hunt = broken.
    Detect ghost with candle = works sometimes!

    I'm sure these will be fixed shortly, though. Perhaps in mere hours, knowing these developers.

  8. DK did a minor patch couple hours back while I was playing. First round I was able to hide in a closet, open the door, light a smudge stick and throw it like a granite to check off the objective. Then he patched it into "Repel the Ghost with a smudge stick while it's hunting a player". So I actually had to use the smudge stick to chase/ run with ghost then repel him on the second round. Not very happy time.

  9. i cant even play this game anymore. I launched the game after a long time of not playing after seeing the last patch notes and the game no longer detects my mic. It shows my Yeti in the options but this game absolutley refuses to accept my mic now. only thing i can think of doing is to reinstall windows and im not about to do that
    ive already done the troubleshooting guide from their discord and no dice.


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