Another SUPER RARE Event in Phasmophobia!

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we do the No Evidence Challenge and we get something SUPER RARE to happen! I won’t spoil what it is ;P Enjoy!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8


38 thoughts on “Another SUPER RARE Event in Phasmophobia!”

  1. I like to explain it as
    'The first Ghost has a 1/24 chance to be a Jinn, if youre looking for 3 jinns in a row.
    If youre looking for 3 of the same ghost in a row, it has to be
    1 – any Ghost
    2 – The same Ghost
    3 – the same ghost
    The second and third have a 1/24 chance of matching the same ghost.'
    They key phrase is 'the First ghost has a 100% Chance of being Any ghost, It will always choose A ghost for be first, and it doesnt matter which ghost it is, as long as it chooses a ghost type that the next ghosts can match.'

  2. 47:00 – Slight mistake in the math. Once you have the first ghost, your odds off getting the same ghost two more times are 1/(24^2)… but before getting that first ghost, your odds of getting any ghost three times in a row is 1/(24^3). You are mathing for 'what are the odds of getting the same ghost two more times' but saying 'what are the odds of getting a ghost three times in a row'.
    The rational. The odds of getting the same ghost twice in a row is 1/576 (1/(24*24), as there are 576 possible pairs that can occur. So, you get your first Jinn and could ask the odds of getting the Jinn two more times over the next two runs… that is 1/576 (0.174%).
    However, you got three Jinn in a row and asked (47:10) 'how high is the chance for that (same ghost three times in a row) to happen'. Well, with there being a selection of a ghost occurring three times, the odds are 1/13,824 (1/(24*24*24)), as there are 13,824 possible combinations when selecting 3 ghosts. So, there that is 1/13824 (0.007%) chance of getting Jinn, Jinn, Jinn. There is also 0.007% chance of getting Wraith, Banshee, Deogon (in that EXACT order).
    At the point of having 3 Jinn in a row, your odds of getting a fourth Jinn is only 1/24. But, if you ask 'what are the odds of getting four Jinn in a row' then the answer is 1/(24^4).

    I had a run with a friend a couple days ago. I forget what ghosts we got, but we got one ghost twice in a row, then we got another ghost, then we got the first ghost twice in a row again. 5 runs, 4 were the same ghost with the middle one being a different ghost. What are the odds? Well…the odds of getting any exact combination of 5 ghosts is 1/7962624… or about 0.0000126%.
    We got aabaa… but yes, once we got a, our odds of getting abaa to finish aabaa was only 1/(24^4), but the odds of getting aabaa from scratch was 1/(24^5).

  3. Insym goes hard on explaining probability in math for Phasmo. Absolutely losing his mind. LOL (To be fair, I wouldn't attempt it I'm literally too dumb to do math. If it is not money in my hands I'm not able to count it lololol)

  4. For the part about school, where I go to school the labs and lectures are required and they treat it like high school with fucken participation and attendance points that affect your grade. It’d hard to treat it like college when you’re treated like a high schooler

  5. Usually I do alone 1 or 0 evidence runs just for fun and "learn". I asked my friends about doing a 2 evidence run for an extra 0.5%. And the said no 😀
    They do 3 evidence runs only, but usually I figure out the ghost after 1 or maybe 2 evidence with them

  6. Hey Insym, I know you probably wont read this, but I just wanna tell you that you helped thru my depression. I was unenergized, weak, and sad. At first I didnt thought anything on your videos, they kept coming up. I took a look at your videos and they way you start the video and the way you explain the game is just so fun to watch! Thanks to you, I became happy again! THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️‍🔥😢❤️❤️

  7. Someone mentioned it in your other video ("These ghosts made me feel like a noob!") when dealing with a Banshee. At one point in that video the ghost stepped in salt in a room adjacent to the ghost room and you could hear the footsteps heading straight for you instead of just wandering into that room randomly. So maybe salt is the best way to figure out Banshee?

  8. You should do a video with cj and psycho where if one if you die with like a strong flashlight and emf in your Inventory, you can’t use those items for the rest of the run, like at all. Just a suggestion

  9. How would you tell a hantu with no evidence, since it can't freeze? Would they just keep the temps close to 0 but not below? You wouldn't be able to see their breath, nor theoretically hear their speeds.

  10. I feel like you're giving people too much credit. Twitch chat and YouTube comments are only different in that YouTube presents you with the >option< of using your brain to proofread. That doesn't mean anyone's gonna pick that option because at the end of the day, getting a math question wrong in either format has no consequences and makes the funny man angry.

  11. Quick question since I have no one to ask about it anywhere else:

    If I am in the van during the investigation, will I loose sanity? Since ghost events and hunts only accrue (more often) based of the average sanity

    If it would not drop by camping in the van, wouldn’t it be smart to bring an extra friend who just stays in the van all the time? Since their sanity stays at 100, the average sanity would be dragged higher

  12. Im not having fun anymore, the VR update with the grabbing mic from belt fucked it all up if i want to talk ingame. Also not getting scared anymore, they should do something more with the horror

  13. 27:00 "They can actually randomly find you here sometimes which is like the most unlucky thing that ever happens."
    Haven't Insym pull a High Priestess which turned into a fool, and got hanged man right after in another stream? I doubt that statement if thats the case lol.

  14. The people in the chat who got so confused after he said agnostic cracked me up, lol.

    "The word agnostic comes from the Greek a-, meaning without, and gnōsis, meaning knowledge. In IT, that translates to the ability of something to function without "knowing" or requiring anything from the underlying details of the system it is working within."

    It describes perfectly what he was referring to, which was how the ghosts do their ghost events in a manner that doesn't feel scripted. Insym's vocab is very enriching and partly why I enjoy watching him. The other reason is obviously he's entertaining af and it's always fun watching a master play your favourite video game.

    Alright, done simping for the day. Just one more- Insym does have a degree in (was it computer science or something related), so knowing agnostic is no surprise. Yet one cannot deny the man's brilliance.

    Now I'm done simping.


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