Csama links –
TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/csama96
INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/calvin_keppen/
TIKTOK – https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNP7Xf3C/
PATREON – https://www.patreon.com/csama
***Join my Discord Family-We’ll be glad to have you –
DISCORD – https://discord.gg/XMgGKx75cQ
Track : https://youtu.be/8MgA3SUwFHc
“Music: Funny Quirky Comedy by Redafs.com, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License”
Track : https://youtu.be/ONM-gFcobm4
“Music: Sneak Up On You by Redafs.com, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License”
#csama #voicetrolling #anyaforger
Bruh that is like too much lying. They were so nice to you😢
😂 I'm Dying… I'm Loving The Phasmo Series
aku suka vidiomu ,tolong konten yang gini lagi
seru soalnya
We need more phasmophobia…,….let's gooooooooooooooo
I like when ur making voice trolling with anya voice, i love their reaction
Amajing video, csama❤
Bro, I just love these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 💖💖💕💕💗💗
Dang😆i laugh the whole video..dint skip even a sec n ejoyed…really made my mood bro😂
Your anya voice and normal sexy voice really compliment each other. At this point, you are making weekly spy x family csama episodes. Ur humor is very good, that is why so many people is aroused at csama, not only ur talent/skill, but ur funny.
This is PEAK Csama!
I really love this channel😂
Damn they were so positive lmao
That "arigatou" always get mee😂
these always make me giggle
more phasmophobia
OHMAHGAD HE UPLOADED!!! Why does 8 days feel like forever!?!? I love to see more of this "father daughter" dynamic he does. It's so fun in its own way compared to VR Trolling.
amazing !
Just love it man
You should record some long convo so you can talk over each other sometimes!!
YatAaa SuGeeeE!!!😂
Csama if you dont know how to tell them just dont reveal it, dont break the illusion that what i would want personally😅
oh yesss, another good one!!!
I love THISS
I must say the new format is really awesome, please more of these Videos
gobl0k anjlr wkwkwk🖒
Bebe wake up Csama just post new video
1:12 that NANIH?!?!?!?!
i cant xD
okay phasmo series is real banger now
buahahahahahahaha i'm died AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i love it HAHAHA
It was the best lobby i ever plaeyd duuude..you trolled me so hard that day…thank yku Csama ..great video..ahahahah that was amazing…ill never forget that
yay voice trolling in phasmophobia is back❤🎉
We need moar !
But fr the voice you have is quite impressive, and its hard to believe its done by an adult man. Keep up the good work man.
Sometimes I think the situations are too perfect they seem fake…. But even THEN i'd still be watching coz it's so fucking entertaining and funny. I love your stuff man, keep at it, your vids brighten up my day everytime.
Love the father daughter video keep up the great work !!❤❤
I just binged 1 year of content from you and I wanted to thank you for all the laughs ^^
omg that sound effect when they're bowing lmao XD
More plisss 🥰🥰🥰
They looked really sad when they got to know the daughter never existed (。ŏ﹏ŏ)