Apocalypse Challenge | GOLD Trophy Run Completed (x24) – Phasmophobia

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nuzzgard The Apocalypse Challenge is now officially live, and there are 3 trophies to be earned in …


18 thoughts on “Apocalypse Challenge | GOLD Trophy Run Completed (x24) – Phasmophobia”

  1. It was a very intense Stream with some close calls there. Very well done!

    It is a real challenge when you have a fast ghost because identify him is one objectiv… surviving and getting a photo is another thing.


  2. Congratz! I did it yesterday against a Hantu! It was crazy fast, so fast the game could not load in the footsteps so you just had a ghost that gurgled and throwed stuff around and when it changed pathways it sounded like a machine gun!!! .. Challenge DONE 🙂

  3. Yeah Nuzz! thats so tight! Id love to play together and learn your ways one day although Im not completely helpless in phas. yt channel is Sir Pixalator I have a couple phas videos i just want to be good at no evidence runs like you in fact your video on identifying ghosts with no evidence was one of the first videos I watched when I got phas. what Im saying is I love and appreciate your content and hope to one day cross digital paths


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