In this Phasmophobia video, we look at the next Developer preview that they are calling ‘Adjusting The Ascension’. With this update, we will be seeing changes to progression, equipment, training, and more. I give my thoughts on these changes and we go back to watch the original release trailer for Phasmophobia. Game was streamed LIVE on my Twitch channel.
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What do you think of the adjustments?
I definitely think the T3 thermo needs a full rework since they're making T1 randomized. I have to agree with the person in chat that said the mercury thermometer should not be random.
Maybe make T3 have both digital and manual readouts so we can use it to check for initially cold rooms, then leave it to get a long-term accurate reading.
Thing is if they got rid of customs we would have no like 9x unless they add more difficulty’s wich would be cool like an impossible difficulty with 10x
Have you heard of the dev drama? You can change your clock on your pc to do the weekly's ahead of time and they banned @Th3BeardedBaron for bringing it to light. Anyways I think the T1 and T2 swap with the UV is alr, I'd rather that instead of them nerfing the glow stick so hard it becomes trash.
I wish they would set up some kind of skill tree. I would love to add to stamina so I can sprint more than 5 steps without running out of breath
In terms of the emf part, I have had some newer players super adamant that EMF 5 happened because the needle hit the 5 mark during an event, and it was super difficult to get them to understand that it doesn't count during a event. To the point that they decided to finish the game thinking they had EMF as a evidence for it to be false, I'm sure afterwards they understood my point but this change I could see helping with that bit instead of having players disregard things that I understood more than them because to them, they still in fact seen that needle hit the 5 mark and do mistake that during events.
Question: is the theory that if the notebook gets flip away by the ghost and nothing was written on it, it's a 100% sure to omit the Ghost writing as a legit evidence? Thanks
On your comment about prestige levels not meaning much… last night I saw a prestige 20 level 999.
Can't wait when they redone photo taking, i just got game where i got perfect photo with footprint and what i got in the journal? nothing. abosolutely nothing. 0 star. ruined perfect investigation and my nerves.
I really think if they had some sort of bot or ai for single play that would be dope. have your own van person if you wanna play solo.