Asserting Dominance Over Ghosts In Phasmophobia

Today I make Kenneth regret he ever unalived
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46 thoughts on “Asserting Dominance Over Ghosts In Phasmophobia”

  1. imagine ghost teamups in this game and trying to identify two ghosts.

    And then two agressive types that are sort of opposite like Jinn and Mare, trying to supress one is kinda going to boost the other.
    Say you suspect one is a Jinn because all the lights and stuff are acting up big time so you kill the breaker… but then there is no electricity and thus no lights…. The mare is going to have a field day. lmao.

  2. They kept missing when the board said "Only reacts to people who are alone"
    Or just forgetting
    Which, I THINK, is why they had so much trouble with Donna, for example

    I also don't THINK that the voice recognition understood "Tonna Domas", "Donnadonnadonna" or any of the other variations.
    Though I might be wrong.

  3. best part: in the high school, the death sound effect kept playing, meaning jardon was supposed to die at that moment, but his aboslute hatred for kenneth gave him the determination to live.

  4. Funny enough,some times maps spawn with an Axe lodged in a broken mirror.

    Take a picture of it, it counts as evidence,and gives extra money.

    But only an axe that is lodged in the mirror,not just any random axe.

  5. Is it just me or does it feel like most of the big maps are 50% bathroom by volume? Like some parts just seem like poor Jordan is just going down a hallway with every other door being a bathroom. These people always have a bathroom within 10 feet of them!

    Maybe this game is set in an alternate universe where everyone has chronic horrible diarrhea? Would explain the character animations. If that was the case, somehow the ghosts are the least scariest part of this game's universe…

  6. Low-key sometimes theyre fine but a lot of the time they're really abrasive towards each other, idk. Like they really don't blend together as a dynamic group if that makes sense. They sound kind of constipated talking towards each other, flat basic conversation and it's just kind of uncomfortable to hear how awkward they are. Am I the only one hearing it??

  7. it pains me a little to see Jordan having the Thermometer at the wall instead of the Floor. (for people who don't know if you have the Thermometer facing the wall it reads the Temp in the next room, not the room you are in. That's why you face it on the floor)


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