Audio Only Weekly Challenge | Phasmophobia

Hey friendos, let’s play some Phasmophobia! In today’s video, we try out the weekly challenge “Audio Only” which requires us to use very limited items on Sunny Meadows to correctly figure out the ghost. Enjoy!

All Hiding Spots:

All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:

0 Evidence Guide:

Ghost Hidden Abilities Cheat Sheet:

My 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Settings:

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#phasmophobia #maggstor


20 thoughts on “Audio Only Weekly Challenge | Phasmophobia”

  1. I understand that they intend to redesign various objects. In another video I heard CJ say; "We're going to completely change how the Sound Sensor works so that it will actually be useful."

    Perhaps this weekly challenge is intended to be a preview, reminding us how they worked, before showing us the new version.

  2. Im almost done with this challenge. It has been tough so far also because im still new to the game but watching your videos have helped me figure out ghost a lot quicker. I love watching your videos❤

  3. The hardest part about this challenge was the sanity drain being really slow, felt like 50% drain speed. A music box would have helped this challenge go a lot faster

  4. As a new investigator, I was admittedly pretty heckin' sure I would fail at this challenge and cry as I got taken out by the ghost before finding the room, but your video has turned my outlook around. I feel much better about giving this a go. Thanks, Maggs!

  5. 2nd fav map? Lemme guess, you loved the old Asylum too? Was my fav. still missing it.
    Fun fact, I had a Goryo/Demon/Banshee, who didn't wanted to hunt for a while.
    I wonder if you noticed, there is also a >>>5 minute setup timer<<< 😀
    Also Demon messed up for a sec my "early hunt detector ear" with the 5 minute setup timer. lol.
    + My Banshee was totally not behaving like a Banshee…. except following me. I didn't had like… a single ghost event with a Banshee.

  6. I think the reason soundsensors is not marked different is because they are both in the same room. You put it in the doorway and it still counts as the hallway. I never use them, but preatty sure you get the name of the room if you actually put them in to the room. Smack them dead in the center of the room.

  7. sound sensor is such a meme xD also watching you navigate effortlessly thru sunny meadows with no light was awesome, i wish i knew that map better but im lowkey too scared hhhh

  8. I also feel like they tweak the evidence rate on some of these challenges. I'm not complaining, but after an initial run that was a dud where I was just getting my bearings (i never play sunny meadows, it's too big n skeery), I finished the challenge in under 20 minutes. On the second run, I found the room with the paramic then saw my breath, heard a door touch and turned around to get fingies, then got a hit on the spirit box. That was my luckiest run, but the other two were also well under 10 minutes each and seemed too good to be so much luck, ha. I really do enjoy them, though, they encourage me to try things I normally don't.


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