Banshees are EVEN MORE DANGEROUS now – Phasmophobia Patch Notes v0.26.5

This is a really cool change for Banshees in Phasmophobia! I hope this will make them even more scary and give them a better place alongside Revenants (and also Jinns, Phantoms and Demons can be scary). I hope we’ll eventually also see a Wraith buff so we have another scary ghost type! Let me know what you want to see in the comments below! Much love!

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The #phasmophobia patch notes for v0.26.5:
1. School: Fixed an error with the top floor map where one of the hallways had a wall through the middle.
2. Ridgeview: Fixed a bug where the bone and ghost orbs could spawn out of the map if they tried to spawn in the basement.
3. Fixed a bug where objects could fall through the basement floor on several maps.
4. School: Fixed a bug where the window fingerprints on every window was facing outside.
5. Fixed a bug where the spirit box could say “Nothing Detected” after it had been turned off.
6. Fixed a bug where the $50 photo reward challenge would complete if you only got a $10 photo reward.
7. Fixed a bug where some items were not spawning in training.
8. Fixed a bug where alive players could hear a dead players voice if the dead player disconnected then reconnected their microphone.
9. Fixed a bug where the fuse box audio would play at the start of professional contracts.
1. The $50 photo reward challenge has been changed to be a total $50 reward over multiple games.
2. Banshees will now hunt like other ghosts and target any player when it’s target player is outside.


38 thoughts on “Banshees are EVEN MORE DANGEROUS now – Phasmophobia Patch Notes v0.26.5”

  1. This Banshee change is awesome! Glad to see ghosts getting buffs!

    About the High School change: I could not find any significant changes to the map, the upper floor is still divided in two sides with only one connecting hallway between them. If you know what changed be sure to let me know in the replies below!

  2. I want smart ghost AI that hones in on your location after multiple hunts. So the more hunts they do the smarter they get and if you stay in one location too long they will find you. 0 Sanity should be more scary, you should want to keep that sanity up and try and prevent hunts as much as possible. This would help that.

  3. The best ghosts are the unpredictable ones! I like being surprised, shocked, scared! Being unpredictable is the best way to do that. I'm not talking about behavior so much as the ghosts being aggressive early or in random places or being docile for a long time and then being relentless. Banshees can be either really exciting or really boring. Hopefully this will help

  4. I think it would be pretty cool if dead players could talk through the spirit box. If a spirit box is on (the static noise) it would be cool to hear dead players actively talk through it. It could work kind of like local voice chat where if the dead player is far away from the spirit box while it's on, it sounds far away. If they're close, it's louder and more clear. You could also make it so the voice is distorted or echo-ish or something. I cannot remember if dead players can hear live players but if dead players can, they will be able to talk through the spirit box if the live players have one on and the dead player is near. It would be pretty cool! Just an idea.

  5. You know what would really make Banshee scary? Make it the only ghost that can go out of the building during hunts, and make it slightly faster than the target player so you can't loop it. Would be about as much a giveaway as Revenant's speed, and it would be terrifying when it finally happens. Do it!

  6. There's also a bug on Grafton with a Ouija Board spawned outside, I don't know if they fixed this yet, me and my friend reported it but never got to it. It spawned right near the left side of the front doorsteps standing straight up once we loaded in. If you could report this, it would be appreciated 🙂

  7. Can confirm about Banshee. I got targeted twice in one day, one of them killed me. Thing is, it didn't hunt when its prey was outside even when the entire team had low sanity but then I got inside and roughly 10 seconds later it started the hunt that killed me

    That was three months ago though

  8. Once I played a game with a banshee who barely left the room. I was her target (didn't realize this until much later in the game), and I hid in the same spot. Got hunted like seven times before she finally found me and killed me, and it was because I moved out lol

  9. i dunno if its bugs or not, but Banshee in my gameplay can teleport to near her target location when hunting
    i experienced this 3 times already but i never see ppls talking about it
    and yeah, all 3 i died because of that
    2 out of 3 i died inside a closet when i already secured my safety (ofc i hold the door and im sure im not clipped through wall)
    my killed count with banshee is the highest out of every ghost in my 100+ hours gameplay

  10. It's the morning of the test. So this afternoon I'll be a free person again and can finally watch all your 1hour+ videos in a row 😍 I'm so ready for that, you won't believe me 😂
    Also I really like the constant changes he's giving the game. And that he starts changing the ghost types slightly or at least kinda giving them buffs is just awesome! Hopefully I can see you play tomorrow <3 (I think today is "different game Friday", correct?)

  11. Two steps into the door and someone got EMF 5. Put a bet down that it was a banshee and that the first dude in was the target.

    Later while hunting the ghost wouldn't lock onto anyone despite being in line of sight, it's target was hiding.

    Details like that keep me coming back, being able to tell a ghost from certain behavior quirks and to learning how to read them.

  12. The vanishing tools haha, we set up with a book on the dining room in one of the maps with a flashlight with a stubborn spirit and the book was gone seconds later (we thought the ghost yeeted it)


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