Beginner Guide, Tips, & Solo Gameplay – Phasmophobia

I stream 4 days a week.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.
2pm – 8pm central time (was 1pm, but changed due to lack of time)


34 thoughts on “Beginner Guide, Tips, & Solo Gameplay – Phasmophobia”

  1. this is exactly what I looking for! I've wanted to play solo, but I wasn't sure of the best order in which to approach the tasks. Really good tips- especially with the use of the salt and smudge sticks. thanks!

  2. I am interested to play this game, however, I don't have an account yet. Is it really need to " install steam " if you don't have an account cous I clicked the " Join Steam " since I don't have account and it routs me on sign up page where I can register .. I put my Email and fill in all needed information and make sure all of those are correct .. however, I am keep on receiving an error. " Your response to the CAPTCHA appears to be invalid. Please re-verify that you're not a robot below. " I repeat this " Im not a robot " verification but the error still the same. Please Advice ..

  3. Good guide for beginners i know how solo im lv 150 odd and everything you said here is well explained for the new players much respect to the person who made this game made by one person.

  4. This is exactly what I needed thanks! I'm a new player and don't have friends to play with atm so I'm planning to play solo for now until friends get it or I decide to play with randoms. Every other guide was pretty much using expensive gear and multiple players, and this was very useful thank you! Just a question, I start with $20 and I'm pretty sure I can only buy one thing with that. What should I buy with it?

  5. I level and money grind solo, and my technique is bring at least one of everything that isn't disposable (barring glowsticks and stuff that doesn't have a use), and 2 of everything that is (salt, photo cams etc)

    and then go in with a thermometer and strong flashlight, and maybe a book. Turn on the breaker, hunt down the ghost room keeping hallway lights on if you're going to be using the hall a lot.

    Find the room below 5°C. That's the room. Put down the book if you brought it, and then go back to truck. Grab a UV light and a camera (on a tripod if you brought one) go back to the room and set up the cam. Scan doors, lightswitches and the window in the room for fingerprints. By this point you should have enough evidence to determine the ghost type, or to work backwards and figure out what you need to look for.

    Keep an eye on the activity meter in the truck as it means you don't need to use an EMF reader. If the meter reads 5 or more and instantly drops to 0, the ghost is an EMF 5.

    If you didn't bring a book in the first entry of the house, take a photo cam incase you find extra evidence. Extra evidence can be bones, dirty water, fingerprints, photos of the ghost itself, thrown objects, and voodoo dolls (dolls are only in farmhouses)

    If the ghost hunts really early, and there is a risk of you dying, take a guess and leave immediately. You do not want to die and lose everything. Just cut your losses and go to the next place.


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