Best Phasmophobia Jump Scare!


41 thoughts on “Best Phasmophobia Jump Scare!”

  1. If you have never used virtual reality you will never understand how that man feels. The game is already bad enough but putting it in vr is a whole new experience that you literally would not understand even if I told you every detail.

  2. I was in phasmophobia vr and there was many times I got scared:

    1st time: Knocks something in my room over
    2nd time: screams
    3rd time: runs into a wall
    4th (and final time at this moment) forgets im in vr and thinks i actually died

  3. The first I ever played this game was in VR. The game had a lot less content to it but in my opinion that was what made it scarier than it is now. Not knowing what to do or what the ghost is capable of, and the only thing you know is that you are not alone and only at the mercy of the ghost is terrifying


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